Press Release | 29 June 2017

Emerging markets catching up fast to Germany, UK, France, China as top markets for renewable energy investments

India, South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia emerge as high-need hotspots for renewable energy investments - G20 needs to double investment in renewable energy to meet Paris climate goals - Policies supporting solar and wind investments start to pay off

Most G20 states improved conditions for investments in low-carbon energy over the past year, with several emerging market countries rapidly catching up to the leaders. The rapid development of the renewable energy sector is a crucial success factor for meeting the Paris climate goals. The G20 countries need to roughly double their annual investments in renewable energy to align their power infra-structure with the well below 2°C pathway, fixed at the Paris COP 21 in 2015.

Blogpost | 13 June 2017

Mexiko: Energiewende noch im Miniformat


Mexico has been a frontrunner at the UNFCCC and it supports the climate and energy agenda of the German G20 presidency. At the national stage, however, despite considerable progress, not all signs point yet to climate-compatible transformation of the country. In face of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, strong international climate leadership by the rest of the world to maintain momentum for Mexico’s national energy transformation is required.

News | 11 June 2017

G20 Climate Leadership? Voices from the Global South

Discussion with international NGO partners

The G20 summit in Hamburg is coming up soon. What we expect from the German G20 presidency is clear: the G20 must move forward combating climate change despite the destructive US-position. Ambitious G20 plans for the global energy transition and the implementation of the Paris Agreement are crucial. Due to their economic significance the G20 states must lead by example. Representatives of the international civil society will present the situation in developing and emerging countries and their asks to the G20. In addition, we will report back from the international civil society (Civil20) summit on June 18/19th in Hamburg.

Blogpost | 01 June 2017

Canada - from Domestic Progress to International Leadership


For the first time, Canada has a framework that brings the federal government, most provincial and territorial governments, and all major economic sectors together on a shared path of climate action. This puts Canada into position to join other countries in showing significant international climate leadership. After the recent G7 Summit outcome in Taormina, the upcoming Canadian G7 presidency will be decisive to push climate action forward.

Press Release | 13 May 2017

Climate suit against German utility RWE: Higher District Court will hear appeal on 13 November

Parallel to the political negotiations at the UN Climate Summit in Bonn, the legalities of climate change and its consequences will be on the agenda in Hamm. The Peruvian mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya is taking his suit against RWE to the court of second instance.

The 5th Civil Chamber of the Higher District Court Hamm (Germany) has scheduled an oral hearing for the appeal of Peruvian mountain guide and small farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya for 13 November (Monday). The public hearing is set to take approximately two hours. The scheduled date lies in the middle of the two-week UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (Germany, 6 – 17 Nov.), which will likely attract added international attention to the case. The attorney for the claimant, Dr. Roda Verheyen (Hamburg), is pleased by the Higher District Court’s decision. “I am confident that this initial hearing will now be followed by an evidentiary phase."