ExCom meeting #6

A new work plan under construction

While still implementing its initial 2-year-work plan, decided upon at COP20 in Lima 2014, the ExCom is now working on its next 5-year rolling work plan - to be endorsed by COP23 under Fiji presidency in Bonn.

Energy for the Future

Evaluating different electricity generation technologies against selected performance characteristics and stakeholder preferences: Insights from the case study Morocco

Since November 2015, Germanwatch has conducted several rounds of stakeholder workshops in Morocco as the first country case of the MENA-SELECT project, investigating the socio-economic impacts, risks and opportunities as well as the potential for conflict of different energy scenarios and power production technologies in Morocco. In this policy paper the approach and the results of the field research are presented.

The Hamburg G20 Summit Outcome on Climate and Energy


The world has passed the ‘Trump Test’ on climate. At the G20 Summit in Hamburg, all 19 partners with the exception of the new U.S. Administration stood united in their support for the Paris Agreement and its swift implementation. Jointly developed and accepted by the 19 partners, the Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth identifies issues that need to be addressed for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and provides a list of G20 action items for future cooperation.

Blogpost | 08 July 2017

The choice between fossil and green energy will shape Russia and the world climate


Russia, the world’s third largest oil producer, is caught between two futures: diversify its fossil fuel based economy in response to changing energy markets and the end of the raw super cycle, or to restore Russian positions in fossil energy markets. While Russian leadership is torn on the subject, the future of the 1.5 degree goal hinges on the direction the nation will take.

Press Release | 06 July 2017

From almost good to very weak: Highly diverse climate scores for the G20 countries

Italy, Brazil and France rank, albeit with some concessions, as best in class ahead of Germany – while the US and Saudi Arabia can be found at the lower end. So far no country in the G20 is on track to meet the Paris climate goals.

The G20 collectively are still far removed from demonstrating responsible stewardship in the area of climate protection. Yet individual countries – both traditional industrial nations such as Italy, France and to some extent Germany as well, and emerging economies like Brazil and India – have indicated possible pathways to decarbonization. This is the key insight provided by the G20 Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), introduced by Germanwatch, the Climate Action Network (CAN) and the NewClimate Institute today. A day ahead of the G20 summit in Hamburg, the member states have highly diverse scores within the ranking.