Ensuring innovation and reliable investment conditions: The next German government must make climate policy a top priority

Declaration of German businesses on the coalition talks

52 major and medium-sized businesses of Germany call at the next German government to do better and more on reaching German and EU climate targets. Amongst the signatories are Adidas, Aldi, Deutsche Telekom, E.on, Hochtief, Metro, Nestlé, SAP and Siemens. Several industry players plus companies being energy intensive or invested into coal have come on board the declaration. Together, they represent more than 500,000 employees in Germany and about 1.5 million globally.

Press Release | 03 November 2017

Germany: Higher District Court Hamm hears "Climate Suit" against RWE

On November 13th the fifth Civil Senate of the Higher District Court Hamm will hear the case of the Peruvian mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya against the German utility RWE

On November 13th (Monday) the fifth Civil Senate of the Oberlandesgericht (Higher District Court) of Hamm (Germany) will conduct an oral hearing in the appeal of the Peruvian farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya. In this climate justice lawsuit, the core question is whether the energy corporation RWE may be held partially responsible for protective measures against climate change in the high Andes in Peru. There, the city of Huaraz is threatened by a flood wave from a glacial lake that has increased in volume as a result of climate change. The Landgericht (District Court) Essen rejected the civil law suit that is – so far - unique in Europe. The question is now whether the higher court will enter into the evidentiary phase which would establish a ground-breaking precedence.

Loss and Damage at COP23

Looking at Small Island Developing States

With the incoming Fijian UNFCCC COP-Presidency, a growing awareness is raised for the impacts of climate change and especially climate-induced loss and damage.

Blogpost | 26 October 2017

Between a rock and a hard place: Argentina preparing a difficult G20 presidency


The Hamburg G20 summit saw an impressive showdown between US President Donald Trump and the other G20 members regarding climate change and the fate of the Paris Agreement. After the unprecedented split in the leader’s declaration, and the acceptance of the G20 action plan on climate and energy for growth (CEAP) by all G20 members except the US, all eyes are now on the incoming Argentinean presidency under President Mauricio Macri – will he find a way to back up the Hamburg result and continue the work towards the long-term climate goals within the G20 while preserving the unity of the group?

Is the EU a Major Driver of Deforestation in Brazil?

Quantification of CO2-emissions for Cattle Meat and Soya Imports

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to well below 2°C or even to 1.5°C, as emphasised by world leaders in the Paris Agreement reached in December 2015, can only succeed if deforestation is cut dramatically in the next decades because the resulting emissions nearly make up one fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Most of the world’s deforestation is happening in South America and in Africa. Brazil has been the country with the largest deforestation for many years. It is far away from Europe, so can we lean back and put all responsibility for causing the emissions on Brazil?