News | 05 June 2018

Central banks can lead in disclosure of climate risks

From New Economics Foundation, Greenpeace, Germanwatch and others

Together with more than 50 international NGO Germanwatch urges the central bank of the G20 states to set an example by disclosing climate related risks.

News | 16 May 2018

Advice Note to companies, member states, and the European Commission

Implementation of the EU Regulation

The EU Regulation on due diligence in mineral supply chains came into force on 8 June 2017. It aims to disrupt links between conflict, human rights abuses, and the global minerals trade, by requiring companies bringing ores and metals of tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (3TG) into the EU—from anywhere in the world—to do so responsibly. The Regulation is based on the existing, internationally-endorsed, OECD standard for responsible mineral supply chains.

News | 09 May 2018

Al Gore and the Climate Reality Project to train new climate activists in Berlin

Climate Reality Leadership Corps activist training in Berlin, Germany from June 26-28

Applications are now open for the three-day training, where former US Vice President and Climate Reality Founder and Chairman Al Gore will train people from around the world to become Climate Reality Leaders and take action to address the climate crisis. This will be the first such training in Europe since 2013. The training offers the chance to learn directly from Al Gore and a lineup of renowned climate scientists and communicators on how to inspire action and lead their communities in fighting for a sustainable future powered by clean energy.

News | 03 May 2018

Preparations started for Tanzania exchange phase in Empowerment for Climate Leadership project

The project „Empowerment for Climate Leadership“ (ECL) is an extra occupational 18-months-online training course and exchange program. It is organized by the Climate Action Network (CAN) Tanzania and Germanwatch e.V. ECL supports 22 young professionals from Tanzania, India and Germany that are actively engaged in youth or civil society organizations for a global and just sustainable development. In April, the German participants had a preparatory meeting for the upcoming Tanzania exchange phase in Bonn, Germany and the Tanzanian participants met for a seminar in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

"Regulate smartphones through Ecodesign"

Open Letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

Coolproducts, a coalition of environmental NGOs, with the support of over 30 stakeholders across Europe and beyond (including Germanwatch), urge Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, to regulate smartphones by 2021 with requirements that will make smartphones more energy efficient and more durable, repairable and recyclable.