Best Practices on Renewable Energy in Africa


Electricity and energy are key African issues: with 2/3 of its population still without access to electricity services and electricity demand assumed to triple until 2030, African nations’ energy policies are essential to achieve their development goals.

Blogpost | 13 June 2019

Heidelberg’s International Conference on Climate Action 2019 calls for more collaboration among states, regions and cities

Heidelberg’s International Conference on Climate Action 2019

On 22 and 23 May, 900 decision-makers from countries, regions and cities as well as stakeholders and experts from around the world convened for the International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA 2019) in Heidelberg. Their aim: strengthening mitigation and adaptation measures, especially in urban areas, by improving coordination and cooperation across all levels of government and with civil society and the private sector.

Japan’s G20 Presidency: Innovation for Climate Action


The G20 has a strong economic interest in limiting global warming to 1.5°C due to climate change’s negative impact on total economic activity, the productivity of the workforce and the smooth functioning of financial markets.

News | 12 June 2019

"Faster Forward Together" Conference 2019 | 22 June in Bonn/Germany

Transformative Partnerships for Implementing the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement sets an irreversible direction for countries to tackle the climate crisis and pursue sustainable development. However, the Agreement still has to show that it can trigger the necessary ambition of action. One potential way to accelerate action are transformative implementation partnerships.

Innovative Finance Sources

A Complement to Strong Country Contributions for GCF Replenishment?

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world’s largest dedicated fund for climate action. By the end of this year it will have distributed all USD 10.2 billion of its initial resource mobilisation to over 102 projects in 97 countries, and we hope have raised twice as much again in its first formal replenishment.