Energy and Climate in the MENA Region

Youth Perspective to a Sustainable Future

In this paper young Arab authors from the MENA region (Middle East/North Africa) outline their vision for the future development of the energy sector in their countries. The energy sector is the world’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, as technologies rapidly improve and prices drop, many renewable energy options have emerged. The MENA region possesses large natural potential for solar and wind energy. Moreover, the region has another important resource: its youth. In order to achieve a successful energy transition, all countries need agents of change, who bring along innovation and motivation – exactly what young people can achieve.

„Time to act“: Expectations of the chilean COP25 in Madrid

- English summary of German Background Paper -

Under the motto "Time to act", the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place from 2 to 13 December 2019 in Madrid, Spain, under Chile's presidency. After all, it is finally time for action in the logic of the UN negotiations. Following the decisions of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 and its implementation rules last year, nothing stands in the way of decisive action.

Brown to Green Report 2019: The G20 Transition towards a Net-Zero Emissions Economy

The Brown to Green Report 2019 takes stock of the G20 countries’ climate action.

The G20 countries are responsible for around 80 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, and 85 % of global GDP. In the G20 countries, around 70 % of climate impacts could be avoided by limiting global warming to 1.5°C instead of 3°C. The G20 have a political responsibility as well as economic interest and capability to move the world towards a 1.5°C compatible pathway.

Press Release | 11 November 2019

Top emitters able to ramp up climate ambition in 2020

Review of climate action finds G20 not on track to meet Paris goals, but positive trends in some countries

Carbon emissions from the world’s 20 biggest economies are rising. None of the G20 countries have plans that will put them on track to limit global warming to 1.5°C, despite the fact that most are technically capable and have economic incentives.

European Experience and Recommendations on Coal Phasing Out

Study finalised: "Transformation Experiences of Coal Regions. Recommendations for Ukraine and other European countries"

In June 2019, the summary was published – now the entire study is being released, commissioned by Germanwatch together with the Ukrainian environmental organisation Ecoaction. Nine authors from four countries analyse the transformation experiences of Germany, Romania, the Czech Republic and Ukraine on the grounds of quantitative data and policy analysis. Visualisations of the recommendations and checklists top off the publication and make it a useful tool for political decision-makers in different European countries.