Blogpost | 26 November 2020

5 Years of climate litigation against RWE – a milestone for climate justice

Blogbeitrag Huaraz: Anwältin Dr. Roda Verheyen und Kläger Saúl Luciano Lliuya

Am 24. November 2015 zog Saúl Luciano Lliuya aus der peruanischen Andenstadt Huaraz für den Schutz seines Lebensraumes vor ein deutsches Gericht. Er reichte seine Klage ein, um einen der größten Emittenten für die Folgen seiner klimaschädlichen Wirtschaftsweise haftbar zu machen. Mit dem Fall Huaraz wurde juristisches Neuland betreten. Inzwischen ist es eine weltweit wahrgenommene Musterklage, die es in die Beweisaufnahme geschafft hat und eine Signalwirkung wie keine andere Klage entfaltet.

Climate Transparency Report 2020

The "Climate Transparency Report" 2020 reviews the climate policy of the G20 members

The G20 countries are responsible for around 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Last year, energy-related CO2 emissions in the G20 fell slightly for the first time, by 0.1% after a rise of 1.9% in 2018, without an economic crisis as a trigger. The key to these initial successes is the continuing boom in renewable energies.

The Role of Civil Society in Renewable Energy Cooperation in Africa


African countries have considerable and largely untapped potential in renewable energies. They have the potential to leapfrog to smart, participatory, distributed energy systems of the future without locking themselves into stranded fossil fuel assets and overly centralised energy systems. Thus, African countries can show the way to the future through bold plans and on-the-ground implementation.

Connecting Europe with a Rail Renaissance

Eight measures to revive the European rail system

Rail is already one of the cleanest transport modes. A renaissance of a truly European rail network could not only make a major contribution to achieving the European Union’s climate targets but could also make Europeans feel and live European integration in daily life. Yet, decades of political focus on road and air travel as well as nationalist thinking have led to a patchwork of national rail systems, which are sometimes in very poor shape. Cross-border rail transport is the sore spot of the European transport system. This policy paper presents eight measures to start off the European rail renaissance.

Policy Brief on the EU-Africa-Strategy

Policy recommendations for strategic planning

The new EU-Africa Strategy was proposed in March 2020 by the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The aim is to strengthen cooperation in five key areas.