Statement on the Proposal for a Supply Chain Register Act


For months, there has been an intensive and controversial debate in Germany on a Human Rights Due Diligence Regulation (so called supply chain law). Recently, a new proposal has been under discussion - a law for a supply chain register. Now that the debate on the supply chain register is public and this proposal has also been submitted to EU Justice Commissioner Reynders, Germanwatch, Greenpeace and INKOTA hereby publicly present their central points of criticism of the supply chain register.

Blogpost | 14 January 2021

Hydrogen: A Future Cornerstone of EU-Russia Energy Relations?

Blogbeitrag: Wasserstoff 2021-01-15

The European Commission is focusing on hydrogen from renewable electricity, to accelerate the decarbonization of the various sectors and to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. What does this mean for the future of energy imports from Russia, currently the largest supplier of natural gas to the European Union? A chance, the authors of this background article find, and elaborate on challenges and first steps on how to leverage this opportunity.

Blogpost | 21 December 2020

Green and Resilient Recovery in India


Against the background of the social, economic and political COVID-19 effects on India, all business-as-usual scenarios for economic development and emission trends of Indian and resilient society building are outdated. There is both the possibility of an accelerated structural change to renewable energy, away from fossil fuels and combustion engines and the danger of a massive rebound effect for the emissions path. The same width of possibilities exists between society-wide resilience building and intensified inequality.
The question of what India's recovery strategy - and international support - will look like will create central path dependencies. Especially now, in the new challenge of the Corona crisis, India needs reliable and strong partners such as Germany and the EU to enter into more sustainable pathway through the recovery packages. Strategies for green and resilient recovery and NDC implementation and increase go hand in hand.

The Climate Change Performance Index 2021: Results


Published annually since 2005, the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an independent monitoring tool for tracking the climate protection performance of 57 countries and the EU. It aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics and enables comparison of climate protection efforts and progress made by individual countries.

News | 02 December 2020

Lessons from 5 years Paris Climate Agreement - 5 years climate litigation against RWE

Watch the video of the online event on 5 years "Huaraz Case"

Five years ago, legal history in terms of climate protection was written: Thanks to the courageous filing of a civil lawsuit against RWE, Europe's largest CO2 emitter, by the Peruvian mountain guide and farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya in November 2015. To celebrate this important milestone, Saúl Luciano Lliuya, his lawyer and his supporters*, came together to look back on the past five years, take stock and venture a look into the future. Watch the video of the event.