Sustainability due diligence – what it means for companies and how EU sustainability standards can help

Titelblatt Monthly Briefing Nummer 6
Full Disclosure: Monthly Briefing on EU Corporate Transparency Regulation

Due diligence affects all companies, as it enables to properly assess relevant risks and impacts. While investors and customers show growing awareness of companies' impacts along the value chain, many companies still provide limited detail. In the sixth article of our briefing series “Full Disclosure” we examine how corporate due diligence legislation relates to sustainable finance and what questions a legislative proposal needs to answer to avoid greenwashing and support comparable due diligence.

Safeguard vital antimicrobials for human health

Titelseite des Factsheets

A so-called delegated act is currently being discussed at EU level, which is to provide criteria for the designation of antimicrobials that are reserved solely for humans and can then no longer be used in animal husbandry. On 15 September, the EU Parliament will decide on an objection to this delegated act.

Mobilizing Decentralized, Participatory Energy Transition in Morocco

Mobilizing Decentralized, Participatory Energy Transition in Morocco

This policy brief analyzes Morocco’s governmental approaches to creating a decentralized management system, particularly as it may impact, and in turn be shaped by, community-based renewable energy and development. Decentralization is discussed in regard to how it may be built alongside the fulfillment of Morocco‘s Municipal Charter and its commitment to ensure the community planning of projects, as well as with an enhanced National Initiative for Human Development, the government’s flagship funding program for local sustainability. Recommendations are given as to how Morocco may accelerate community-managed RE by achieving decentralization assisted by effectively implementing existing national structures for the people’s development.

(Financial) Opportunities of European sustainability reporting rules for small businesses

Titelblatt Monthly Briefing Nummer 5
Full Disclosure: Monthly Briefing on EU Corporate Transparency Regulation

No company can afford to ignore the financial risks of climate change. This also applies to small and medium-sized enterprises. To reduce these financial risks for companies and investors, it is crucial to be transparent. In the fifth article of our briefing series “Full Disclosure” we examine how small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from forward-looking reporting requirements.

National Financial Instruments and Mechanisms to Manage Climate Risks and Impacts

Status quo, Challenges and Gaps in Climate Vulnerable Forum Countries in Dealing with Loss and Damage

Climate change is already a reality. At the same time, there is a gap regarding measures to manage climate risks and impacts in vulnerable developing countries. This study analyses existing and planned financial instruments and mechanisms in countries of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF). Based on six key findings, a set of conclusions on knowledge gaps and open research questions, the necessary support from the international community as well as strenghened cooperation through partnerships are presented.