Climate Resilience and Pro-Poor Principles for Infrastructure Investment

Climate Resilience and Pro-Poor Principles for Infrastructure Investments
Aligning the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with the Paris Agreement

At the second Finance in Common (FiC) Summit on 19 and 20 October 2021, 500 public development banks could jointly raise their ambitions to support sustainable development globally. The fastest growing development bank in the world, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), plays a crucial role for infrastructure investments in Asia where the majority of future infrastructure projects will take place. A framework report produced by Germanwatch and collaborating NGOs from Asia analyzes the AIIB’s opportunities to align with the Paris Agreement and suggests ten climate-resilient and pro-poor principles for more sustainable and socially inclusive infrastructure.

Inclusive, safe and ambitious? The Glasgow Climate Summit in times of the Corona Pandemic

Inclusive, safe and ambitious? The Glasgow Climate Summit in times of the Corona Pandemic
Requirements and expectations for the COP26

COP26 is often considered the most important since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015. Its context underlines the urgency: In the summer of 2021, people across the globe experienced extreme weather events and their consequences. The climate summit in Glasgow – in conjunction with the G20 summit shortly before – holds the potential to significantly accelerate climate protection efforts worldwide.

Climate Transparency Report 2021

Climate Transparency Report 2021 Hilights
Comparing G20 Climate Action towards Net Zero - The Highlights

The G20 countries have a special role to combat climate change - they are responsible for a majority of global emissions.

Using Decentralized Renewable Energies in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to Strengthen Resilience with Moroccan Rural Communities

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This policy brief introduces the connection and interdependencies of water, energy, and food (WEF) in Morocco. It gives advice on how to achieve socioeconomic and environmental goals through coordinated management of natural resources across sectors. A special focus lies on the role of women in the WEF nexus. Looking at the WEF challenges from a nexus perspective sheds light on the wider implications of sectoral interventions and helps to identify holistic management strategies.

Time for a Green Weimar Triangle

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Open NGO letter to the governments in Poland, Germany and France

30 years ago the Weimar Triangle was founded to promote European integration and to strengthen political ties between Poland, France and Germany.