Creating an Inclusive and Ambitious Climate Alliance Instead of an Exclusive Climate Club

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One of the most prominent projects launched by Germany during its G7 presidency has been the initiation of an international “climate club”. The push for an international climate alliance has come at the right time: A properly designed climate alliance can make an important contribution to global emissions reduction and climate justice, accelerate industrial transformation around the world, and create conditions for fair competition. In the worst case, however, the existence of a climate alliance can have the opposite of its intended effect; for example, if it is seen as an exclusive project of the West.

Blogpost | 10 June 2022

What does 70 GW of offshore wind energy mean for energy infrastructure? - Germanwatch & Öko-Institut for Amprion's "Systemvision 2050"


In its coalition agreement, the German government has set itself the goal of expanding offshore wind energy to 70 GW by 2045. This target is polarising. On the one hand, offshore wind energy has a high number of full load hours and can thus make a reliable contribution to decarbonisation. On the other hand, the expansion of 70 GW of offshore wind energy is very likely to increase the need for grid expansion, raise issues of marine protection and bring challenges such as the timely availability of resources.

Towards a Glasgow Dialogue that matters

Logos: CAN and L&DC

This briefing from Climate Action Network International (CAN) and The Loss and Damage Collaboration lays out the expectations of civil society and international loss and damage experts towards the Glasgow Dialogue on Loss & Damage (L&D) finance and makes concrete suggestions for its principles, milestones and deliverables. It does so with the ultimate objective of making the dialogue a results-oriented process through which adequate, new and additional support for the most vulnerable people and countries in addressing L&D is provided.

Where to flow or not to flow to? The G7 should set the tone on export and development finance

Cover: Analysis National Development Banks and the Climate Crisis
Analysis on how Germany and Korea can use its export and development finance to contribute more strongly to keeping 1.5°C within reach

At the forthcoming G7 Ministerials this week and next, Germany should push for stronger joint efforts to exit international fossil fuel financing. Considering the latest IPCC findings and the urgent need to stop investment in coal, oil and gas, the financial activities of public finance institutions (PFIs) play an important role to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. This paper analyses the alignment of German and Korean PFIs’ climate and sector strategies with the Paris Agreement and makes recommendations on how their strategies can align with a 1.5°C goal.