Status quo of and next steps for the Glasgow Dialogue

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COP26 decided on the Glasgow Dialogue for parties and non-party stakeholders to discuss existing arrangements for funding activities to avert, minimize and address loss and damage. The first dialogue took place during the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 56) in June 2022. This briefing paper summarises its results in four key areas and makes recommendations concerning necessary next steps.

Blogpost | 14 September 2022

Myth Buster no. 1: Climate action hinders economic development? - Wrong!


This blog series aims to debunk ‘myths’ about trade-offs between climate action and development. Addressing political decision-makers, practitioners in multilateral development banks as well as staff of civil society organisations and the interested public, three blog posts will provide them with evidence to refute widespread misconceptions about the effects of climate action on development. They will also include recommendations for multilateral development banks on how to contribute to strengthening the link between climate action and development and thereby highlight win-win opportunities and avoid trade-offs.

News | 15 August 2022

Open letter: German G7 Presidency should ensure sustainability in hydrogen trade

Verbändebrief Mai 2022

In their joint open letter, Germanwatch, Bread for the World, Friends of the Earth Germany, Misereor, DNR, WWF, the Climate Alliance, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Environmental Action Germany appeal to the German government and call for stronger commitment to creating an international hydrogen market that is compatible with sustainable development and supports the just energy transition in partner countries.

G7 in 2022: Towards a Green G7 Hydrogen Action Pact

First Page of the Policy Brief

In May 2022, the G7 environment, climate, and energy ministers announced the launch of the G7 Hydrogen Action Pact (G7-HAP), which prioritises six areas for the G7 to support the development of a global low-carbon and green hydrogen market. Germany should use its remaining G7 presidency to specify these areas. Most importantly, the G7 should clearly focus their activities on green hydrogen and work on establishing sustainability standards right at the beginning of the market ramp-up.

Implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership in South Africa

Title Page of the policy brief
Lessons Learnt for Civil Society Organisations (CSO)

The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), announced last year with South Africa, aims to reduce emissions in the energy sector and accelerate the coal phase-out process. The partnership, first announced in COP26 with the promised value of 8.5$ billion, was then followed by a G7 announcement for a similar partnership in India, Indonesia, Senegal, and Vietnam.