Locally Led Adaptation in the Green Climate Fund

Titelseite Policy Brief
Performance Across the Fund’s Portfolio in Africa

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the largest source of adaptation funding. This Policy Brief examined the extent to which current GCF-funded projects and programmes support adaptation at the sub-national or local level in African states. It does so by using the principles of locally led adaptation as a framework through which the portfolio of the GCF is analysed, with the purpose of providing recommendations for how the GCF can better integrate these considerations in its policies and approved activities in the future, especially for its second replenishment period.

News | 11 October 2022

Open letter: A bold and transformative Social Climate Fund is needed, now more than ever

Logoteppich: NGOs, die den Brief unterzeichnet haben

A reform of the emissions trading system (ETS) is currently being discussed at EU level. Proposed by the European Commission, this includes the extension of carbon pricing to the sectors of road transport and buildings, as well as the supplementary launch of a Social Climate Fund (SCF) for social compensation. In an open letter, Germanwatch, together with 37 other organizations, calls for the new ETS not to be seen as a further burden for Europeans, but as an effective response to the energy and climate crisis.

Policy recommendations on Article 15 “Combating climate change” of the proposed EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Titelseite Briefing

In light of the severity and the short timeframe that remains to take action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, it is important that the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) leaves no legal ambiguity concerning corporate obligations regarding climate change. The aim of this paper is to provide recommendations on Article 15 “Combating climate change” of the Commission’s proposal which lacks precision regarding the targets and content of the transition plans it refers to.

European Regulation on Responsible Mineral Sourcing

Title Page Workshop Report
What are the lessons learned so far for the upcoming review and new legislative proposals?

In September 2021, a three-day online workshop brought together more than fifty representatives of Colombian, Congolese and European civil society organisations to discuss the European Regulation on Responsible Sourcing implementation. This workshop was followed by a public online conference where civil societies addressed their concerns to EU representatives and presented their recommendations. This document aims to summarise the main recommendations.

Ignite Fireworks of Action through Climate Initiatives

Title Page

At the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow (COP26), several multilateral initiatives were launched that manifest the ongoing development of a more polycentric and complex international climate governance. Read more about how they can potentially close the 2030 ambition gap and implement climate action more quickly in our policy brief.