Press Release | 03 December 2010

The Germanwatch Climate Risk Index 2011 shows: developing countries are particularly affected by weather catastrophes

Cancún must lay the foundation for a comprehensive approach to risk management

With the today published Climate Risk Index 2011 in Cancun, Germanwatch has, for the sixth time, examined which countries are particularly affected by weather extremes. "In 2009, surprisingly, countries such as Chinese Taipei, Saudi Arabia and Australia were also among the ten most affected countries," said Sven Harmeling, author of the CRI at Germanwatch.

Analysis of the German Federal Government’s Draft Energy Concept

Potentials thwarted by nuclear power and coal

September 2010, the German government presented the draft of its energy concept. It is marked by striking contradictions. In view of the large energy utilities’ financially strengthened role and the shift of competition rules into their direction, it is doubtful whether the concept can be successful.

Press Release | 08 December 2009

Global Climate Risk Index 2010 - reflecting most severely affected countries over almost two decades

Copenhagen needs to respond

The climate and development organization Germanwatch published its Global Climate Risk Index 2010 in Copenhagen today, ranking Bangladesh, Myanmar and Honduras as the countries most severely affected by extreme weather events from 1990 to 2008. When only considering the year 2008 ...