Press Release | 27 November 2012

Loss and damage from extreme weather events: Asian developing countries hit hardest in 2011

Germanwatch publishes new Global Climate Risk Index at COP18 in Doha

Most damages resulting from weather extremes are often not recognised by international media, unlike Sandy's destruction at the U.S. east coast a few weeks ago. But in 2011, poorer developing countries have been hit much harder in average, according to the new edition of the Germanwatch Global Climate Risk Index. The ranking, which was presented today at the UN climate summit in Doha, concludes that Thailand, Cambodia, Pakistan and El Salvador are on top of those countries that suffered most from extreme weather events in 2011.

Press Release | 05 November 2012

Organisations from 22 countries call for a fundamental reform of the energy and agricultural policy


140 civil society actors from 22 industrial and emerging states call for a fundamental reform of energy and agricultural policies in order to fight hunger and climate change worldwide. This is a result of the "Dialogue on Transformation" which took place in Bonn last weekend. The participating organisations on the one side urge to the right to development and on the other side also to a form of development that accepts the boundaries of the planet.


Focus: International Cooperations

we are living through some interesting, decisive and formative times. We are calling for change – a Great Transformation. On a small scale, civil society and various stakeholders are already mobilising, sometimes quietly, sometimes more vocally. Alliances and partnerships are forming, adopting highly diverse approaches and networking on a national or international scale...

Green Climate Fund: Timely Action Needs Early Pledges


The present discussion paper describes why early pledges for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) are important for early action – hence a timely start of project support – of the GCF. Of course, each donor country decides for itself when it perceives a fund to be ready and sufficiently trustworthy for funding and each donor country will probably have its own set of items it wants to see addressed before it can pro-vide pledges. Nevertheless, this short discussion paper looks at the interdependence between the need for early pledging for the GCF and the necessary progress of the GCF operationalization process.

Different Tales from Different Countries

A First Assessment of the OECD "Adaptation Marker"

In response to the launch of the OECD "Adaptation Marker" in 2010 and the first complete Creditor Reporting System dataset published in March 2012, this paper ex-amines the credibility of the marker. Our assessment reveals that far less projects than the donor countries reported are in fact relevant to what can be considered climate change adaptation.