Capping Aviation Sector Emissions through Multilateral Mechanism


During 2013, discussions intensified regarding a global mechanism for addressing emissions of international aviation. This is amongst others due to the fact that in fall 2013 the general assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will meet. The general assembly is the highest decision making body of ICAO and meets only every three years. Therefore interest is high in this year’s general assembly and a lot of negotiations have taken place beforehand.

Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) - Daily Briefings from the Standing Committee on Finance (August 2013)


This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing. Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place during each day of discussions and substantive points of action or progress. Please note that this is an independent summary by CFAS and not officially mandated by the UNFCCC.

Towards a comprehensive environmental and social policy

Report on the 21st meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

The Adaptation Fund (AF) was established under the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in order to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing countries affected by the global climate change. This report summarizes the key decisions taken during the 21st meet-ing (July 3-4, 2013) of the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB).

Enhancing direct access to the Green Climate Fund


This policy brief, prepared in the context of the Climate Finance Advisory Service (, discussed options and important aspects for enhancing direct access in the Green Climate Fund. Key messages include ...

3rd meeting of the Adaptation Committee: On con-solid-ated grounds?


From 18 to 20 June the Adaptation Committee (AC) met for the third time. The meeting took place in Bonn, back-to-back with the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF). This very much owed to the fact that the issue of coherence of adaptation-related matters under the Convention and collaboration with adaptation-relevant bodies and institutional arrangements was key on the agenda of the AC.