Logo der Initiative "Grünes Weimarer Dreieck" auf einem hellgrünen Hintergrund

Green Weimar Triangle

A Germanwatch initiative to strengthen European climate co-operation between Poland, Germany and France


The success of an ambitious European climate policy builds on the commitment and effective leadership of influential Member States such as France, Germany, and Poland. Together, these countries are responsible for almost half of all EU greenhouse gas emissions and 43% of EU industrial production. Their commitment towards climate action is therefore crucial for accelerating the decarbonisation of the EU and reaching compromises within the Council of the European Union.

Furthermore, an intensified intergovernmental dialogue between Eastern and Western Member States in particular is urgently needed in order to better reflect the different national contexts of the Member States and to ensure that ‘no one, neither individual nor region, is left behind’. Improved mutual understanding and trilateral co-operation present a great opportunity for an ambitious, socially just and solidary implementation of the European Green Deal in the entire EU.

The diplomatic format of the Weimar Triangle was established in 1991 by the German, Polish, and French foreign ministers in order to strengthen European integration and political relations. To date, this format has focussed primarily on foreign policy and security issues.

Eine Karte von Europa in Holzoptik, bei der man besonders gut Deutschland, Polen und Frankreich erkennen kann

Role of Germanwatch

Together with think tanks and environmental organisations from the three countries, Germanwatch has been calling for the establishment of a ‘Green Weimar Triangle’ since 2021. We are thereby referring to a long-term trilateral climate co-operation with broad democratic support from parliaments, civil society, and other non-state actors.

In conjunction with this, Germanwatch organises informal trilateral meetings that bring together government representatives, business representatives, and think tanks from the three countries. Through these meetings, Germanwatch gathers input to develop policy recommendations to the three governments on various EU-relevant and climate policy issues, e.g. industrial decarbonisation or carbon pricing.

The Green Weimar Triangle will now continue to be developed into a platform for climate and energy policy co-operation and co-ordination. Germanwatch is committed to supporting the Green Weimar Triangle through opportunities for official and informal exchange to promote a common orientation and mutual understanding of climate policy goals, interests, and co-operation.
