Bits & Bäume: Forum

Germanwatch workshops at the ‘Bits & Trees’ conference

On 17/18 December, Germanwatch and nine other civil society organisations from the sustainability and technology scene organised ‘Bits & Trees’ - the conference for digitalisation and sustainability - in Berlin. For two days, around 2000 participants learned, networked, discussed and developed in almost 200 different, carefully selected programme items.

Germanwatch helped to organise the conference with a large number of presentations, panels and workshops. The range of our contributions was broad: from developments in digitalisation in the field of agriculture to the potential and risks of blockchain technology for transparent supply chains and for local energy cooperatives through to design options for the energy grid of the future. We organised a panel on the topic of ‘Energy transition and data protection’ and designed an interactive stand area in the conference forum to present our work on sustainable digitalisation. We also organised a workshop on digital lobbying for the common good.

Here you can find profiles with the results of the workshops in which Germanwatch employees were involved:

Contact persons

With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)