| 24. June 2022 Code of Conduct Where necessary for the implementation of our statutory goals, Germanwatch shall actively contribute to the debate on political framework conditions and strengthen the corresponding social debate. Therefore Germanwatch shall have a mediating function between politics and the public. The employees and the Board of Germanwatch as well as other persons acting on behalf of Germanwatch, shall commit ourselves to adhere to the following principles in the exercise of this activity. | 08.02.2012 Mission Statement We actively promote North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods. We observe, analyse and act. Ansprechpersonen Andrea TaubertSekretariat und Projektassistenz Büro Bonn Jenna VoßSekretariat und Projektassistenz Büro Berlin Hanna FuhrmannIn Elternzeit // Bereichsleiterin Kommunikation und Fundraising Janina LongwitzReferentin für Redaktion und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
| 24. June 2022 Code of Conduct Where necessary for the implementation of our statutory goals, Germanwatch shall actively contribute to the debate on political framework conditions and strengthen the corresponding social debate. Therefore Germanwatch shall have a mediating function between politics and the public. The employees and the Board of Germanwatch as well as other persons acting on behalf of Germanwatch, shall commit ourselves to adhere to the following principles in the exercise of this activity.
| 08.02.2012 Mission Statement We actively promote North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods. We observe, analyse and act.