Trust & Transparency
Germanwatch has committed to binding standards with regard to transparency, accountability and conduct (german language only).
Bank account
You can also donate to Germanwatch via bank transfer
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG
IBAN: DE95 3702 0500 0003 2123 23
Your donation is tax-deductible
If you send us your full address data, you will automatically receive a donation receipt early on in the following year.
Recurring Donations can be stopped at any time and without reason.
Free donations
Donations that are not tied to a specific purpose let us act flexibly, help expand our scope of action and may enable us to raise additional funding. Therefore free donations benefit us in multiple ways. Thank you!
Donate for a specific topic, if you want to support a certain area of our work. If your donation supports a topic which already has sufficient funding, we will allocate your donation to another important purpose.