
We are facing two major climate challenges. First, to avoid the unmanageable impacts of climate change, through climate action. Secondly, to cope with unavoidable impacts of climate change, through adaptation. Germanwatch is working on equitable and efficient solutions to both.


Requirements and expectations for the COP26
COP26 is often considered the most important since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015. Its context underlines the urgency: In the summer of 2021, people across the globe experienced extreme weather events and their consequences. The climate summit in Glasgow – in conjunction with the G20 summit shortly before – holds the potential to significantly accelerate climate protection efforts worldwide.
Comparing G20 Climate Action towards Net Zero - The Highlights

The G20 countries have a special role to combat climate change - they are responsible for a majority of global emissions. This year’s Climate Transparency Report shows that the efforts of the G20 countries are currently insufficient to limit climate change to the 1.5°C agreed in the Paris Agreement. After a short period of decline, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emissions are rebounding across the G20. However, a positive development is that the expansion of Renewable Energy capacities are rising.

Increasing the acceptability of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment in key trading partner countries
This Germanwatch study analyses CBAM perceptions in major EU trading partners and provides recommendations on how to increase their acceptability of the instrument. The study reveals that one of the keys for international acceptance of an EU CBAM is revenue recycling. The EU should use CBAM revenues to support the green transition of trading partners affected by the CBAM. We show that through a smart CBAM, complemented by offers of climate partnerships, the EU can set new standards of global climate cooperation.
Potential for action and opportunities for cooperation
Global efforts to realise rapid emission reductions and build resilience must be ramped up without further delay to meet the 1.5 °C Paris target and enable vulnerable communities to deal with climate impacts. Where individual states reach their limits in implementing the SDGs and Paris objectives, bilateral or multilateral partnerships can provide support for the necessary transformation to net-zero-emission and resilient societies. Partnerships are indispensable to achieve whole-societal transformation, as they enable countries to share knowledge, experience and resources. Germany entertains solid climate cooperation with several countries in the Global South. In this study, PAREMIA - Partnerships for ambitious resilience and mitigation action, we analyse preconditions for such partnerships with 13 countries and suggest thematic starting points for three of them – Chile, India and South Africa.
Declaration of Polish-Franco-German civil society ahead of the 24 and 25 May EU Summit and the publication of the Commission’s Fit for 55 package
​​​​​​​In the light of the upcoming EU summit on 24 and 25 May and the publication of the European Commission's "Fit for 55" package, leading environmental NGOs from Poland, France and Germany joined together for the first time to challenge their governments and the EU. They are calling for more climate ambition, more solidarity among member states and responsibility of the member states for adopting the targets.
Press Release
Federal Constitutional Court of Germany declares Federal Climate Protection Act partially unconstitutional and strengthens protection of fundamental rights of the youth.

In its decision today, the Federal Constitutional Court has largely accepted the constitutional complaint of nine young people for a humane future: Freedoms and fundamental rights are already being violated today by insufficient climate protection. The legislator must adapt the Federal Climate Protection Act by the end of 2022. Lawyer Dr. Roda Verheyen (Hamburg), who represents the young people, comments on the decision: "Today, the Federal Constitutional Court has set a globally remarkable new standard for climate protection as a human right.

Joint public statement by Germanwatch and other NGOs associated with the Alliance for Corporate Transparency
On 21 April 2021, the European Commission published its proposal for a new EU Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD). In a joint public statement, Germanwatch and other NGOs associated with the Alliance for Corporate Transparency welcome many aspects of the proposal, including the development of mandatory sector-specific EU sustainability reporting standards.
Full Disclosure: Monthly Briefing on EU Corporate Transparency Regulation

This year will be key for future climate policy and especially for sustainable finance in Germany and Europe. Sustainable Finance plays a crucial role in improving climate protection and sustainable growth. To this end, Germanwatch joined forces with the Alliance for Corporate Transparency in order to push towards greater corporate responsibility and disclosure requirements to meet the EU and Paris climate targets. In the second article of our briefing series "Full Disclosure: Monthly Briefing on EU Corporate Transparency Regulation", we aim to shed light on the revision the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive carried out by the European Commission.

Full Disclosure: Monthly Briefing on EU Corporate Transparency Regulation

This year will be key for future climate policy and especially for sustainable finance in Germany and Europe. Sustainable Finance plays a crucial role in improving climate protection and sustainable growth. To this end, Germanwatch joined forces with the Alliance for Corporate Transparency in order to push towards greater corporate responsibility and disclosure requirements to meet the EU and Paris climate targets. This article kicks off and introduces our briefing series "Full Disclosure: Monthly Briefing on EU Corporate Transparency Regulation", in which we aim to shed light on the need for and benefits of forward-looking reporting requirements in a changing EU regulatory environment.

Press Release
Independent scientific study by researchers from the University of Oxford and University of Washington offers a clear conclusion: Human activity has caused at least 85% of warming that led to glacial retreat above Huaraz

The Coronavirus pandemic has delayed the collection of evidence in the trial between the Peruvian farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya and the German utility RWE at the Upper State Court in Hamm (Germany). Nevertheless, a new scientific study is providing credence to the legal claim: a prestigious team of researchers has used climate models to demonstrate that the risk of glacial lake flooding affecting the city of Huaraz is almost entirely due to anthropogenic climate change.