
We are facing two major climate challenges. First, to avoid the unmanageable impacts of climate change, through climate action. Secondly, to cope with unavoidable impacts of climate change, through adaptation. Germanwatch is working on equitable and efficient solutions to both.


A Position Paper by Brot für die Welt supported by ACT Alliance und Germanwatch
In August 2015 an unusually intense monsoon caused devastating floods and landslides leading to the death of many people across Asia. Particularly in Myanmar, the rain destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes and streets and flooded rice paddies. In its most recent report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that climate change will increase the duration and intensity of such and similar extreme weather events (IPCC 2014b). This will also lead to an increase in climate- related loss and damage (L&D), either as a result of extreme weather events or associated with slow-onset climate change, when glaciers melt, permafrost thaws and sea levels rise.
By end September 2015 most countries will submit their climate contributions (INDCs) for the new climate agreement to be adopted in Paris this December. The EU has already announced its contribution of at least 40 percent emission reduction by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. In India, the preparations for the INDC have been finalized, too. What is expected of the Indian INDC? What would be equitable?
The German government, through the German Federal Environment Agency, commissioned a consortium consisting of NewClimate Institute, Germanwatch, and the 2° Investing Initiative to explore criteria to measure the alignment of investment and financing with the 2°C limit. The project focuses in particular on development finance institutions.
Why the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC falls short
Coming soon
A legal report submitted to the BESTGRID Project
This report describes the planning and licensing process for extra high voltage transmission lines under EU and national law regulatory framework. It is shown that the TEN-E Regulation 347/2013 introduces binding priorities (PCI, Projects of Common Interest) into national planning processes, shifting participation requirements to the EU level. The comparison between the German and the UK system of planning and permitting displays the different approaches: while the regulatory system is much more refined in Germany, granting much access and public participation, the participatory approach in the UK is more open, and access to justice is easier.
This study conducted by Germanwatch and the Wuppertal Institute explores how the social pillar of sustainability at the local level could be met in low-carbon energy projects. For this purpose, it evaluates the livelihood dimension of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology based on a case study conducted on the 160 MW pilot CSP plant Noor I in Ouarzazate, Morocco.
6th to 9th July 2015 in Songdo (South Korea)
The Daily Briefings - produced at key meetings and negotiations by the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) expert team - try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please note that these are independent summaries by CFAS and not officially mandated by the GCF Board or Secretariat.
A new wave of climate leadership is coming from the African continent. On 5 June, Morocco became the third African nation, following Ethiopia and Gabon, to submit its climate action commitment (or Intended Nationally Determined Contribution - INDC). With its timely submission, the host of the upcoming UN climate summit in 2016 also is the first Arab country to put forward its plan to transition its economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This is an important step towards the new global climate agreement, due to be signed in Paris this December.

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Head of Division – German and European Climate Policy

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Senior Advisor – Climate and Development – India