Slider Antibiotic Appeal

Antibiotics appeal

10 million deaths per year due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR)  is the alarming forecast for the year 2050 by the United Nations. This is  combined with the global mission: to contain the development of resistance and keep antibiotics effective. This as well addresses the problematic use of antibiotics in industrial animal husbandry. There is a lot that has to be done politically. This is our appeal:

Preserve the most important antibiotics - stronger regulation in animal husbandry!

An appeal from human and veterinary medicine

Modern medicine is unthinkable without antibiotics. Their availability for the treatment of bacterial infectious diseases saves countless lives worldwide every day. Due to the increasing emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), we are currently in danger of losing effective antibiotics - nothing less than global health is at stake. The high and regular use of antibiotics in animal husbandry, which fosters antimicrobial resistance, is therefore no longer acceptable.

A threat of pandemic proportions

Already today, 670,000 people in the EU alone contract infections caused by antibiotic-resistant pathogens every year, and 33,000 people die as a result. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the burden of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the European population is comparable to that of influenza, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined. By 2050, 390,000 AMR-related deaths are projected annually in Europe and 10 million deaths globally. This is more than the projected number of deaths caused by cancer and diabetes combined. Thus, in both human and veterinary medicine, the threat of AMR needs to be addressed much more decisively in the spirit of the One Health approach, which thinks closely about human, animal, and environmental health.

Seize current opportunities to regulate antibiotics in animal husbandry more strongly

We call on the European Commission and the responsible ministries in the Member States to take far-reaching preventive measures and to seize opportunities that present themselves - especially in the veterinary field:

  • Exclude the most important antibiotics classified by the WHO as "critically important antimicrobials of highest priority" (CIA HP) from use in industrial animal husbandry! This is possible through the current drafting of a new antibiotics act (Art. 37 (5) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6). At the same time, create the possibility of individual animal treatment for pets, among others (e.g. via two separate lists).
  • Consistently exclude CIA HP from use in industrial livestock farming also via the national AMR action plans!
  • In the course of the current revision of EU animal welfare legislation and national processes for the restructuring of animal husbandry, focus in particular on the aspect of animal health via breeding, husbandry and feeding! This also includes approaches to on-farm and general stock reduction.

Background information on our appeal

The emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a natural process: microorganisms - such as bacteria - develop defence mechanisms against substances and agents - such as antibiotics - that have a harmful or even lethal effect on them. This inherently natural process can be accelerated by overuse, misuse or abuse of antibiotics. Initial studies also show rising resistance rates due to higher temperatures - the resistance problem is thus further fueled by climate crisis. 

Health problem for humans

Antibiotic-resistant pathogens can cause infections that are difficult to treat and make effective antibiotic treatment of other infections more difficult. Both human and veterinary medicine must therefore take decisive action against antibiotic resistance. Otherwise, antibiotics will become increasingly ineffective and even the simplest infections will be almost impossible to treat in the near future - a post-antibiotic era looms.

Animals bred for high performance are particularly susceptible to disease. Keeping animals in large groups and herds, as well as other intensive husbandry practices, promote high and regular antibiotic use and increased resistance rates.

Highly problematic: group treatment of animals

The regular administration of antibiotics to large groups of animals via feed or drinkers is considered particularly problematic. This is a treatment practice that is used even when only a few animals are sick, and it poses problems:

Antibiotic residues and resistance can be carried in the piping and plumbing systems. In addition, because an animal's individual feed and water intake cannot be checked in large groups, inaccurate dosages are risked. Especially with underdosing, pathogens risk not being completely killed and repellents and ultimately resistances develop.

Transmission paths

The transmission of antibiotic resistance from animals to humans can occur in various ways:

  1. via the environment: exhaust air from animal houses and manure or fermentation residues contaminate the air, soils, surface waters and ground water
  2. via products such as meat in particular, but also raw milk
  3. via direct contact with the animals.

Consumption volumes in the EU and Germany

In 2018, 6,358 tons of antimicrobials were used in 31 European countries in so-called food-producing animals - compared to "only" 4263 tons in humans (JIACRA III report). (JIACRA III report).

Specifically in Germany, antibiotic dispensing to human medicine in 2019 was 339 tons - to veterinary medicine 670 tons. For 2020, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) again reported an increase in dispensing to veterinarians of almost 5% to 701 tons.

Comparison in mg/PCU

In order to ensure better comparability for different animal species and reporting countries of the EU, the unit mg/PCU* (* Population Correction Unit, equivalent to 1 kg biomass of food-producing animals or 1 kg total body weight of the population) is used for antibiotic use in addition to the figure in tons.

The relative consumption of antibiotics in food-producing animals (104,6 mg/kg) is now lower than the consumption for humans (133,3 mg/kg). However, there the long lifespan of humans in particular must be taken into account in comparison with the mostly short lifespan of food-producing animals.

In a European comparison (2017), Germany's level of around 89.9 mg/kg for food-producing animals is many times higher than it is in countries such as Norway (2.9 mg/kg), Sweden (12.5 mg/kg), Denmark (38.2 mg/kg) or the Netherlands (57.5 mg/kg).

Current Situation

Even though the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine has tended to fall overall within the last ten years, a shorter period of observation shows a certain stagnation. For individual antibiotics and countries, use is even increasing again. Efforts to reduce antibiotic consumption now appear exhausted. Without a drastic improvement in animal breeding and husbandry, including a significant group and herd reduction, a further reduction of antibiotics will hardly be achieved.

The development and spread of resistance to the antibiotics that are often the last or only means available to humans can be considered extremely worrying. The "highest priority critically important antimicrobials" (HPCIA or also CIA HP) can be classified as so-called reserve antibiotics.

The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the term CIA HP* (* Cephalosporins of the 3rd and higher generations, quinolones incl. fluoroquinolones, glycopeptides, macrolides and ketolides, polymyxins such as colistin)to describe the antibiotic drug classes that are to be given the highest priority for global containment of resistance via more prudent and restrictive use. In its guidelines for the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals, the WHO explicitly recommends that CIA HPs no longer be used in this area.

Consumption quantities of the CIA HP

At the European level, CIA HP accounted for 14% of total antibiotic dispensed to food-producing animals in 2018 (ESVAC report). In Germany, the total amount of CIA HP dispensed to veterinary medicine in 2019 was 130.7 metric tons, representing approximately 20% of the total antibiotics dispensed to veterinary medicine in Germany that year. 

European data also clearly show (ESVAC report) their main use in problematic group animal use (see above "What role does industrial animal husbandry play?").

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) pointed out in a joint report (2021) that "resistance among bacteria causing foodborne infections remains high," a finding that was confirmed again in the most recent report (2022). A previous report (2020) already warned that infections with foodborne bacteria are becoming increasingly difficult to treat. And the European Court of Auditors also reiterated the major challenge facing the EU in its special report on "Combating Antimicrobial Resistance" (2019). A joint ECDC, OECD, EFSA, and EMA policy paper (2022) generally notes that "resistance to commonly used antibiotics is still high (>20% to 50%) or very high (>50% to 70%) in bacteria" derived from food-producing animals.

Resistances to CIA HP

This ECDC and EFSA reports show widespread resistance to ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolones) in humans. In addition, there is also resistance to cephalosporins, macrolides as well as polymyxins, and in some countries co-resistance to specifically ciprofloxacin and erythromycin (macrolides).

Of great concern is that pathogens such as Salmonella or Campylobacter, which cause infections in humans very frequently, show resistance to the antibiotics that are used to treat them. A large proportion of Salmonella bacteria are already multi-resistant - that is, three or more antimicrobial agents are no longer effective.

Situation in Germany

The current resistance situation in Germany is regularly monitored by the zoonoses monitoring. The current report states that "there has been no significant improvement with regard to the occurrence of resistance in bacterial isolates from the broiler, fattening turkey and fattening pig food chains [...]."Resistance rates were highest in broilers and fattening turkeys”, according to the report, "reflecting the frequent use of antibiotics in these animal groups."

Similar concerns were raised in the previous monitoring regarding the "occurrence of resistance in bacterial isolates from the food chains of fattening pigs, fattening calves, and young cattle, as well as from tank milk and fresh beef."

Both reports refer to various multi-resistant germs and warn overall to significantly increase efforts to reduce antibiotic use in livestock and to reduce resistance rates. A necessary focus: the reduction of CIA HP (see above).

A (short) chronology of resistance evidence

In addition to regular governmental and European monitoring and reports (see above "Current resistance situation"), the results of individual investigations by NGOs, media and universities repeatedly point to the problem of antibiotic resistance. The following is a brief overview (without claim to completeness):

GreenpeaceMarch 2022

NGO investigation

Samples of slaughterhouse wastewater

Wastewater samples from four slaughterhouses from two states.

35 of the 44 samples showed resistant bacteria, 8 of them even against reserve antibiotics.

Deutsche Umwelthilfe2021


Analysis of 62 turkey meat samples from different locations in Germany

31 Lidl and 31 Aldi stores

One in three turkey meat samples from Lidl and one in four from Aldi was contaminated with antibiotic-resistant germs.

On every fourth Lidl turkey meat sample (26 percent particularly health-threatening pathogens were found.



Ranking of EU chicken meat groups according to contamination with antibiotic-resistant pathogens

165 meat samples from the top 3 EU poultry meat groups.

More than one in two chicken meat samples (51 percent on average) from three of Europe's largest poultry groups carry resistance to one or more antibiotics at a time.

On average, more than one in three chickens (35 percent) carry antibiotic-resistant pathogens with resistance to emergency antibiotics (reserve antibiotics) into the food chain.



Antibiotic-resistant pathogens on chicken meat

59 chicken samples from industrial meat production - 56% were contaminated with germs.
Forschungsverbund RESET2016

Research project

Detection of resistance genes in animals and humans

Resistance gene mcr-1 (insensitive to colistin [CIA HP]) was found in three porcine and one human isolate.
Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety2015


Antibiotic Consumption and Dissemination of Antimicrobial-resistance in human and veterinary medicine in Germany

S. aureus isolates from poultry showed resistance rates up to almost 70% to the penicillins, tetracycline and erythromycin.

In isolates from pigs, a rate of Florfenicol, a proportion of 88% intermediate-resistant isolates was found.

Total antibiotics dispensed in veterinary medicine 2014: 1,238 t

HICARE in the course of the competition "Health Regions of the Future" by BMBF2011 - 2015

HICARE - Action alliance against multi-resistant bacteria

(6 project fields)

In the course of the project, it became clear that for some multi-resistant pathogens, a link between reservoirs in humans and animals is epidemiologically significant.
BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)7.1.2015 (s. auch und auch)


Turkey meat sample of the BUND

88% of samples (50 out of 57) were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant germs.
Freie Universität Berlin2012

BMBF - Research project

Examination of farms and antimicrobial resistant bacteria

44 pig farms and 16 broiler farms were investigated - 60% of pigs and every broiler farm were suspected of ESBL.

Also: vegetables and soil treated with antibiotic-laden fertilizer showed residues. Vegetables were contaminated with ESBL microorganisms.

BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)2012


Sample of the BUND

ESBL germs found on 10 of 20 meat samples
Stern TV2012


from Stern TV, 38 meat-samples examined

ESBL-positive germs found in 19 of 38 samples.

Pork: germs in two out of ten samples

Chicken meat: 17 out of 28 samples were contaminated.

Among them also samples with strict seals such as Demeter, Bio or Naturland.

Research-project RESET2010 - 2017

Federal Ministry of Education and Research - Research project

Various studies on resistance in animals and humans

Samples with ESBL- or AmpC-producing e-coli were found in a very high proportion of the facilities investigated.

Under treatment of groups of animals with antibiotics, regardless of the method of application, carryover into the immediate environment of the animals can occur.

Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V. + BVL2008GERMAP 2008 - Report on antibiotic consumption and prevalence of AR in human and veterinary medicine in Germany.  A large number of new active ingredients for veterinary use are not expected in the future. Therefore, maintaining the efficacy of the active ingredients currently available for veterinary medicine is of particular importance. .
Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Federal Ministry of Education and Research2008 - 2013DART (2011)In the veterinary field, the antibiotic resistance strategy aims to reduce the emergence and spread of resistance in human and animal pathogenic bacteria. Responsible use of antibiotics should ensure consumer health protection without compromising animal health.
Joint Committee on the Use of Antibiotics in Animal Husbandary and Veterinary Medicine 1969



Relationship between antibiotic use in feed and development of resistant bacterial strains in humans was discovered.

Already today, the first (multi-)resistant strains of pathogens can be detected in various places around the world. Such spread occurs primarily through human travel and through imports and exports of goods. With regard to resistance from animal production, two things must be considered:

By exporting meat, the European Union (including Germany) also exports resistant pathogens to other countries. This often includes countries with weaker health systems. Conversely, we as well import meat products to Europe from countries with lower production standards and higher resistance rates.

This trade dimension makes it clear once again that the further development and spread of resistance, especially to reserve antibiotics (especially CIA HP), must be curbed as quickly as possible.

Titelbild Antibiotika Factsheet

You can also download the content of this page as a shorter factsheet here.


Germanwatch is solely responsible for all further information beyond the appeal on this page.

An initiative of Germanwatch and the BUKO-Pharmakampagne.

Germanwatch und Buko Logo

The alliance

The appeal is supported by the following organisations (as of 25.11.2021):

  • Animal Welfare Foundation e.V.
  • Ärzte gegen Massentierhaltung n.e.V. (Doctors against Factory Farming)
  • Ärztenetz Bielefeld e.V. Projekt Antibiotische Therapie in Bielefeld – AnTiB
  • Apotheker ohne Grenzen Deutschland e.V. | Pharmacists without borders Germany
  • BUKO-Pharma-Kampagne – Gesundheit und Dritte Welt e.V.
  • Compassion in World Farming EU
  • Cystic Fibrosis Europe
  • Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (Environmental Action Germany)
  • Difäm - Deutsches Institut für Ärztliche Mission e.V. (German Institute for Medical Mission)
  • Germanwatch e.V.
  • Gesellschaft für ganzheitliche Tiermedizin e.V.
  • Greenpeace e.V.
  • Initiative Bielefelder Hausärzte
  • Liga für Hirtenvölker und nachhaltige Viehwirtschaft e.V. (League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Development)
  • mensch fair tier e.V
  • Menschen für Tierrechte – Bundesverband der Tierversuchsgegner e.V.
  • MEZIS Mein Essen zahl ich selbst – Initiative unbestechlicher Ärztinnen und Ärzte
  • Missionsärztliches Institut (Medical Mission Institute)
  • MRSA Action UK
  • Mukoviszidose e.V. – Bundesverband Cystische Fibrose
  • Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V. (PAN-Germany)
  • ProVeg e.V.
  • PROVIEH e.V.
  • Slow Food Deutschland
  • Stiftung gesunde Erde gesunde Menschen gGmbH
  • Tierärzte für Tiere
  • Tierärzte für verantwortbare Landwirtschaft e.V. (Veterinarians for Responsible Agriculture)
  • Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.
  • Verein demokratischer Pharmazeutinnen und Pharmazeuten e.V.
  • Verein Demokratischer Ärztinnen und Ärzte e.V.

Contact person

Would you like to join our appeal as an organisation? Then please get in touch with