7 years of legal action

Support Saúl!

Collage mit Portraits von Unterstützer:innen des Falls RWE

Seven years ago, Saúl Luciano Lliuya from the Andean city of Huaraz (Peru) went to a German civil court to hold Europe's largest greenhouse gas emitter - RWE - accountable. What began then is now a globally respected precedent on the question of whether major emitters must pay for protecting people from climate risks. Saúl's lawsuit makes clear: We live in a global neighborhood.

Emissions from Germany have a global impact. RWE's emissions contribute to the melting of glaciers in the Peruvian Andes. For this reason, the company has to contribute to the construction of a protective dam at the threateningly growing Palcacocha glacial lake to protect the people of Huaraz from a flood wave. The legal procedure is currently in the taking evidence phase. It may be some time before a verdict is reached.

But climate change will not wait.

Send Saúl your personal message and take a stand:

  1. In the fight for climate justice, we support each other as global neighbours!
  2. Major emitters like RWE must be liable for climate risks and damages!