To achieve these goals, we at Germanwatch focus on the following activities:
We research and provide information by means of articles, lectures, (press) releases, and background papers.
We raise public awareness of issues such as agricultural policy, animal husbandry, and global food and trade systems.
We monitor political processes within our fields of action, identify and work on important leverage points and exert influence to make the global agricultural, food, and trade system fair and ecologically compatible.
We network on a national, European, and transnational level and promote interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation between organisations.
How can you support us?

Stay informed and sign up for our newsletter. In addition to many other Germanwatch topics, we will keep you updated on our work on agricultural policy, animal husbandry, and trade.

Engage with others on the topic of "sustainable agriculture" and help to tangibly advance the agricultural and food transition.

Support us with a donation in our daily work. Even small, regular amounts help us to keep these issues on the political agenda.

Contact us if you are interested in consultations, lectures, or workshops on this topic.
Together we can change agricultural policy and initiate positive impacts for the climate, biodiversity, health, and human rights!