What does a just and inclusive Green Transition look like?

Africa-Europe Week


Together with African and European Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities, we bring you two forums focused on moving the Africa-EU partnership forward through “Participatory and transparent governance: A people-centred approach”. The programme includes joint opening and closing sessions, which will concentrate on the roles of CSOs and LAs in the partnership; as well as two dedicated forums discussing the themes and topics pertinent to each stakeholder group. Sessions are designed to be inclusive and interactive; they will support meaningful exchanges to forge key messages and recommendations on a joint and constructive future for both continents.

The session we are organising will focus on how the EU Africa partnership can support green transition to unlock long-term economic prosperity, poverty reduction and ecosystem resilience. This includes 100% renewable energy access targeting local communities and productive sectors to support livelihoods, just transition out of fossil fuels, supporting employment in circular economy, alternative conservation models and Nature-based Solutions. It will also look at empowering women and girls in the green economy and for Africa’s youth and informal sector.

We are looking forward to seeing you during the Africa – Europe Week. Please click here to register.

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