Renewable Energy for a Decentralised, People-Centred Energy Transition in Africa

A Factsheet for Civil Society

Titelbild Renewable Energy

One of the challenges many African countries are facing is the lack of access to electricity. Addressing this difficulty is particularly complicated in rural areas where a connection to the national grid would require a big and often not feasible infrastructure expansion. This factsheet offers an overview of alternative solutions to grid-connected electricity, namely decentralised renewable energy (DRE) systems. The factsheet analyses advantages and challenges of these systems, informs about technical specifications, and gives an overview of the various ownership models of DRE systems.
Finally, an appendix to the factsheet gives recommendations for the four dimensions – social/developmental, governance, economic, and environmental – of an enabling national policy on decentralised renewable energy. The factsheet addresses African civil society groups and platforms working on climate change and renewable energy, including national and regional non-governmental organisations (NGOs), but also small businesses, women's groups, youth groups, and other stakeholders of the energy transition.

Publication data

Kerstin Opfer, Leonie Beaucamp, Augustine B Njamnshi
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