Business and Human Rights

Expectations of a German Action Plan

Logo: CorA-Netzwerk

Within the framework of the CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung (CorA Network for Corporate Accountability) and the Forum Menschenrechte (German Human Rights Forum) Germanwatch together with 28 organisations drafted their expectations from the German Government and the German Bundestag to elaborate an Action Plan for Business and Human Rights.

The European Commission called its member countries to apply the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by implementing such Action Plans. Thereby the German Government has to comply its state duty to protect human rights and respect human rights in all relevant policies. Moreover, those affected by human rights abuses have to gain improved access to legal actions before German courts.

This position paper was prepared by CorA, Forum Menschenrechte, Amnesty International Germany,Bread for the World, ECCHR, Germanwatch, MISEREOR, Oxfam and Ver.di and signed by 21 other organisations.

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