Energy Transition in a Changing Arab World?

Cover WS_Desertec
Discussing Human Development Requirements for Future Large-Scale Renewable Energy projects in the MENA region

This paper is based on the inputs given by different civil society actors during the workshop “Energy transition in a changing Arab World? Discussing human development requirements for future large scale RE projects in the MENA region” at the World Social Forum in Tunis in 2013.

Based on the questions that arose during the workshop it must be stated, that low levels of civil society participation, information and transparency within the realization and communication of Desertec are still causing many question marks, concerns and doubts among the civil society in the Southern Mediterranean. The workshop discussion revealed that, in view of the high involvement of corporate interests, relevant civil society actors of the North African countries are suspicious about the concept’s good intentions and promised implications.

Thus, in order to achieve the required social acceptance for any kind of foreign investments in energy infrastructure projects (small and large-scale) in North Africa, transparent information and a fair and comprehensive dialogue with North African civil society and beyond is of utmost importance. Only through the active engagement of civil society actors it can be ensured that the voices of those directly affected are to be heard so that it will be first and foremost the people in the Southern riparian of the Mediterranean that benefit from the energy transition taking place in their region.

Boris Schinke