This list contains a selection of online articles from around the world available shortly after the release of the Climate Change Performance Index 2013. (They may be outdated after a few weeks or months.)
International - English
Focus Taiwan, 3.12.2012 (Taiwan)
By Zoe Wei and Ann Chen
Taiwan being caught up by China in climate change performance index
Ends Europe, 3.12.2012 (51 media in demark picked it up on 3rd of dec.)
Denmark tops climate performance ranking
Vancouver Observer, 4.12.2012 (Canada)
Canada ranked as worst performer in the developed world on climate change
By Linda Solomon
Irish Times, 4.12.2012 (Ireland)
State improves performance on global warming
By Frank McDonald
Scoop World (New Zealand), 4.12.2012
NZ gets its fifth 'Fossil of the Day' placing at COP 18
__________________________________________________________________________________, 6.12.2012 (New Zealand)
NZ shamed in international climate change report - Greens
The Media Co-op, 4.12.2012 (Canada)
Fossil fuels companies are influencing the outcome of the UN climate negotiations say youth
A report ranks Canada’s climate performance in 58th place out of 61
by Crystel Hajjar
Taipei Times, 5.12.2012 (Taiwan)
EPA says Taiwan’s poor rank in climate index due to criteria
WRONG FOCUS:Taiwan’s climate protection efforts were ranked as ‘very poor,’ which the agency attributed to the index’s new evaluation method
By Lee I-chia / Staff reporter
Free Malaysia Today, 5.12.2012 (Malaysia)
M’sia among the worst global polluters
By Jared Pereira and G Lavendran
__________________________________________________________________________________, 6.12.2012 (China)
China catching up with neighbours in climate change performance rankings
By Beth Main.
Actmedia, 6.12.2012 (Romania)
Romania ranks 18th in 2013 Climate Change Performance Index
The Copenhagen post, 6.12.2012 (Denmark)
Hailed abroad, national climate goals attacked at home
Cheap coal is keeping fossil fuels alive and jeopardising efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
By Peter Stanners
International - Non English
Sol, 3.12.2012 (Portugal)
Quercus: Portugal é o 3.º melhor país nas políticas de alterações climáticas
RTP Notícias, 3.12.2012 (Portugal)
Portugal é o terceiro melhor país nas políticas de alterações climáticas
by Arlinda Brandão
Diario de Notícias, 3.12.2012 (Portugal)
Portugal entre os três melhores no desempenho climático
By Rita Carvalho Ontem
Zakon, 3.12.2012 (Kazakhstan)
Казахстан оказался аутсайдером рейтинга стран мира по выбросу парниковых газов
Казахстан остается аутсайдером рейтинга стран мира по выбросу парниковых газов, следует из новой версии климатического рейтинга стран Climate Change Performance Index 2013, передает ИА Новости-Казахстан.
Aktau News, 3.12.2012 (Kazakhstan)
Казахстан оказался аутсайдером рейтинга стран мира по выбросу парниковых газов
АСТАНА, 3 дек - ИА Новости-Казахстан. Казахстан остается аутсайдером рейтинга стран мира по выбросу парниковых газов, следует из новой версии климатического рейтинга стран Climate Change Performance Index 2013.
JydskeVestkysten, 3.12.2012 (Denmark)
Danmark kåret til verdens bedste klimaforkæmper
By Af Michael Ørtz Christiansen, Berlingske Nyhedsbureau
borsen, 3.12.2012
Ny rapport: Danmark er verdens klimaduks
By Af Ritzau
3.12.2012 (Taiwan)
The Liberty Times, 3.12.2012 (Taiwan)
SVD, 3.12.2012 (Sweden)
Svårt läge för miljösamtal i Doha
Altinget, 3.12.2012 (Denmark)
Danmark indtager igen førstepladsen som verdens klimaduks
__________________________________________________________________________________, 3.12.2012 (Belgium)
België zakt naar dertiende plaats in klimaatranking
De Index van Germanwatch en Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe beoordeelt de klimaatinspanningen van 58 landen met de hoogste broeikasgasuitstoot ter wereld. © Belga
Le Vif, 3.12.2012 (Belgium)
Changement climatique : la Belgique rétrogradée
La Belgique est rétrogradée de la 8e à la 13e place dans le rapport du Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), qui évalue et classe les efforts entrepris par les 58 pays les plus gros émetteurs de CO2 de la planète pour réduire leur impact en termes de changement climatique, ont indiqué lundi dans un communiqué conjoint WWF, Greenpeace et 11.11.11.
VRT Nieuws, 3.12.2012 (Belgium)
België zakt vijf plaatsen op klimaatranking
Op de zogenoemde Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), de internationale index die de broeikasgassen van 58 landen oplijst, is België van plaats 8 naar 13 gezakt. Dat melden de milieuorganisaties Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL), Greenpeace, Natuurpunt en WWF.
Helpconsumatori, 3.12.2012 (Italy)
Germanwatch, Italia al 21° posto: passi avanti nelle performance climatiche
Il Fatto Quotidiano, 3.12.2012 (Italy)
Emissioni di CO2 in aumento del 2,6%. Italia migliora performance climatica
Lo rivela uno studio pubblicato su Nature Climate Change del Global Carbon Project, un network di scienziati, secondo cui l’obiettivo di tenere l’aumento della temperatura sotto i 2 gradi con le misure che si stanno discutendo a Doha è sempre meno probabile. Il nostro paese è passato dal 48° al 21° posto nella classifica di chi riduce l'inquinamento
La Stampa, 4.12.2012 (Italy)
L’Italia migliora nella difesa del clima
By R. Giovanini
Il nostro Paese sale al 21esimo posto nella classifica di Germanwatch:
cinque anni fa eravamo 48esimi
Rinnovabili, 4.12.2012 (Italy)
Il rapporto annuale sui virtuosismi ambientali di 61 Paesi nel mondo
Performance climatiche: Italia al 21° posto
Diario Rotativo, 3.12.2012 (Mexico)
Pierde Alemania posiciones en el ranking de protección del clima
El financiero, 4.12.2012 (Mexico)
Alemania pierde posiciones en el ranking de protección del clima
(Russia), 3.12.2012
РФ опустилась в климатическом рейтинге на 56-е место из 61
Смотреть позже
RTBL, 3.12.2012 (Belgium)
La Belgique rétrogradée au classement des politiques climatiques
ntvmsnbc, 3.12.2012 (Turkey)
'Türkiye sınıfta kaldı'
Doha’da açıklanan rapora göre Türkiye’nin iklim karnesi kırıklarla dolu, iklim karnesi ile sondan 5. ülke oldu.
Milliyet, 3.12.2012 (Turkey)
Türkiye iklimde sondan beşinci
By Mehveş Evin
BM İklim Değişikliği Konferansı’nın yapıldığı Doha-Katar’da iklim değişikliği performans endeksi açıklandı. Sera gazı salımından sorumlu 58 ülkenin değerlendirildiği raporda Türkiye sondan beşinci oldu
Memuruz, 4.12.2012 (Turkey)
Türkiye iklimde sondan beşinci
BNR, 3.12.2012 (Netherlands)
Nederlands klimaatbeleid scoort zeer slecht
By Door Anne-Greet Haars
Volkskrant, 4.12.2012 (Netherlands)
Nederland is het vieste jongetje van de klas
Dat Nederland níet tot de meest schone landen in Europa behoort is al langer bekend, maar dat zelfs landen als Griekenland, Polen en de Verenigde Staten beter presteren op milieugebied zal bij de beleidsmakers toch tot enige schaamte moeten leiden.
By Marco Visser
To Vima, 4.12.2012 (Greece)
Η Ελλάδα δεν φροντίζει για το κλίμα της
News Now, 4.12.2012 (Greece)
Η Ελλάδα δεν φροντίζει για το κλίμα της
By TreloKouneli
__________________________________________________________________________________, 5.12.2012 (Greece)
Ως πετρελαιοπαραγωγός χώρα συμπεριφέρεται η Ελλάδα
Yo Hap News, 3.12.2012 (Korea)
Euractiv, 4.12.2012 (Slovak Republic)
Slovensko kleslo v rebríčku ochrany klímy
Yam News (?)
Romandie, 3.12.2012 (Switzerland)
CLIMAT/La Suisse dans le top dix en matière de protection du climat
Presseportal, 3.12.2012 (Switzerland)
Classement climatique par pays: la Suisse au 7e rang
Fædrelandsvennen, 3.12.2012 (Norway)
Danmark i front i klimapolitikken
Nationen Nyheter, 3.12.2012 (Norway)
Norge straffet i klimarangering
Mens Danmark og Sverige troner øverst, raser Norge nedover på en rangering av ulike lands klimapolitikk.
Naviny, 5.12.2012 (Belarus)
В ежегодном климатическом рейтинге Беларусь опустилась на 35-е место
В климатическом рейтинге Climate Change Performance Index 2013 года Беларусь опустилась с 27-го на 35-е место, сообщает БелаПАН со ссылкой на сайт немецкой компании — составителя рейтинга Germanwatch.