The food, climate and finance crises have affected millions of people on this planet. But they have also forced governments to confront the fact that “business as usual” is no longer an option. Yet much still needs to be done to reconfigure the economic structures that have led to these crises. Civil society actors have a critical role to play in making this vital transition. The NGO-Dialogue on Transformation, organised by Germanwatch with support from IATP, brings together civil society actors from around the world to address the critical issues of food and energy security in a world that must effectively and urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Key questions that the Dialogue addresses include:
1. How can universal access to energy be achieved while effectively tackling climate change?
2. How can we make the right to food a reality, especially for more than 870 million people currently suffering from hunger? And how can we do it in a way that respects global ecological boundaries?
Agriculture is the human activity most affected by climate chaos. And it is the source of livelihood for billions of people, primarily in the South. The climate problem must be addressed in an equitable manner, not only between the North and South, but also within both the North and South. Agriculture adaptation for small producers is central to this effort. A transition towards ecologically resilient farming systems and one that shifts us away from harmful industrial practices will not only help small producers adapt, but also contribute to mitigation efforts.
The NGO Dialogue on Transformation takes these issues seriously and initiates a dialogue among civil society organisations from the Global South and North. It seeks to develop strategies for the necessary transformation of the energy and agriculture sectors in a way that respects global boundaries, the right to food and universal access to energy.
The Dialogue is being developed by an international steering group of the highest caliber. It will have strong representation from all regions of the world, especially the global South, and it should provide a good space for constructive discussions of how to move forward together in a way that is both equitable and effective. I hope the NGO Dialogue on Transformation will build a strong basis for the “Great Transformation” we urgently require.
Jim Harkness, President, IATP
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