Germanwatch is convinced that the international mechanism for rainforest conservation and reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - REDDplus - will be only effective in the long-term if conservation activities in the developing countries are linked to measures that help erradicate poverty and support sustainable development. Kristin Gerber - Policy Officer REDDplus at Germanwatch - wrote an article on that issue for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. The guiding question of the article is whether and to what extent REDDplus can contribute, alongside CO2 reductions, to realising environmental-policy goals. The international negotiations as well as the implementation of measures in the repective countries will decide in the end, which overall impact REDDplus will have and if the circumstances for the particularly vulnerable population groups can be improved.
This article was published in:
Bärbel Kofler and Nina Netzer (eds.): On the Road to Sustainable Development: how to reconcile climate protection and economic growth. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin 2012. ISBN 978-3-86498-133-3 (Download see below, article by Kristin Gerber pp. 57-63)