Performance Review of the Interim Arrangement of the Adaptation Fund

Adaptation Fund NGO Network’s Position

Deckblatt: Performance Review of the Interim Arrangement of the Adaptation Fund

Brief Summary

The findings of the performance review of the consultant should be considered and commented upon by the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) intersessionally between the 17th and the 18th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board. The performance review aims at inspecting the effectiveness and adequacy of the Adaptation Fund (AF) and its institutional arrangements with the goal of providing the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) with concrete recommendations for an appropriate decision. The AF has two interim arrangements with the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) of the World Bank acting as Trustee and the Global Environmental Facility GEF providing the Secretariat service.

This document is a kind of policy paper that summarises the findings of the consultant as well as the comments made by the Trustee and the Secretariat thereupon. Except for the NGO’s recommendations all information provided emanates from the review’s document and its annexes. These recommendations are dedicated to the AFB members and should provide them with some key inputs which are in the view of the NGOs important for the future work of the Fund.

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