Take Action! Get Creative

A Toolkit of Ideas and Tips for Street Actions

Cover Take Action

Flashmob, hidden theatre, public installation – creative actions get more attention, are more interactive and offer a fresh way of communicating sometimes rather tedious political issues. But how to start? And what do you have to bear in mind? This toolkit offers useful information and tips for organizing and performing creative street actions, including details about the resources you need.

This toolkit is published as part of makeITfair, a Europe-wide project on consumer electronics. MakeITfair aims to inform young consumers about human rights, as well as social and environmental issues along the supply chain. Actions and methods in this toolkit are refering to the IT sector but are also easily transferable to other campaigns with various issues.


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Publication data

Jochen Dallmer, in collaboration with Lukas Groten | Editor: Cornelia Heydenreich
Permalink: https://www.germanwatch.org/en/node/3566