Konzepte, Blockaden und Alternativen der CO2-Reduktion in Berlin. Kommentiertes Protokoll zweier Podiumsdiskussionen zum Thema RioKonkret in Berlin 1993 Order now Order Publication Related publications German climate policy and energy transition | 26.01.2022 Green Hydrogen production and Power-to-X products in Africa The African continent is facing severe impacts of climate change while simultaneously struggling to address universal electricity access. This position paper analyses opportunities and risks associated with the development of green hydrogen and Power-to-X as well as the continent's readiness and trends. The paper closes with a position statement, recommending measures to minimise the risks of injustice and adverse impacts and maximise the benefits for the continent's green, socio-economic development. German climate policy and energy transition | 12.05.2020 Argumentation map: The expansion of extra-high voltage direct current transmission lines (HVDC) The argumentation map deals with the currently planned extra-high voltage direct current transmission lines (HVDC) in Germany and, in particular, with the debate as to whether/why HVDCs should be built or not. In this respect, it aims to serve as a clear representation of the various and complex topical arguments and theses, without evaluating them. Mobility transitionGerman climate policy and energy transition | 01.04.2020 Decarbonising transport in Germany In order to become carbon-neutral before 2050, Germany urgently needs to tackle greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector – the only sector with rising emissions. This policy paper provides an overview of public support for rail in comparison to support for road and air transport, and presents possible solutions for modernising the subsidy and tax system to turn rail into the backbone of future mobility. Publication search Topics German climate policy and energy transition
German climate policy and energy transition | 26.01.2022 Green Hydrogen production and Power-to-X products in Africa The African continent is facing severe impacts of climate change while simultaneously struggling to address universal electricity access. This position paper analyses opportunities and risks associated with the development of green hydrogen and Power-to-X as well as the continent's readiness and trends. The paper closes with a position statement, recommending measures to minimise the risks of injustice and adverse impacts and maximise the benefits for the continent's green, socio-economic development.
German climate policy and energy transition | 12.05.2020 Argumentation map: The expansion of extra-high voltage direct current transmission lines (HVDC) The argumentation map deals with the currently planned extra-high voltage direct current transmission lines (HVDC) in Germany and, in particular, with the debate as to whether/why HVDCs should be built or not. In this respect, it aims to serve as a clear representation of the various and complex topical arguments and theses, without evaluating them.
Mobility transitionGerman climate policy and energy transition | 01.04.2020 Decarbonising transport in Germany In order to become carbon-neutral before 2050, Germany urgently needs to tackle greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector – the only sector with rising emissions. This policy paper provides an overview of public support for rail in comparison to support for road and air transport, and presents possible solutions for modernising the subsidy and tax system to turn rail into the backbone of future mobility.