Safeguard vital antimicrobials for human health

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A so-called delegated act is currently being discussed at EU level, which is to provide criteria for the designation of antimicrobials that are reserved solely for humans and can then no longer be used in animal husbandry. On 15 September, the EU Parliament will decide on an objection to this delegated act. In essence, the objection provides for the delegated act to be revised again so that antimicrobials that are most important for humans ("critically important antimicrobials with the highest priority", WHO) can also be included in order to preserve their effectiveness.

Germanwatch supports this objection. Together with various organisations from Europe we addressed the members of the European Parliament with a factsheet.

Publication data

Health Care Without Harm Europe, Germanwatch e.V.; Alliance to Save our Antibiotics; Ärzte gegen Massentierhaltung n.e.V. (Doctors against Factory Farming); Cystic Fibrosis Europe; Mukoviszidose e.V. - Bundesverband Cystische Fibrose; Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (Environmental Action Germany); Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V. (PAN Germany); Tierärzte für verantwortbare Landwirtschaft e.V.