In the light of the upcoming EU summit on 24 and 25 May and the publication of the European Commission's "Fit for 55" package, leading environmental NGOs from Poland, France and Germany joined together for the first time to challenge their governments and the EU. They are calling for more climate ambition, more solidarity among member states and responsibility of the member states for adopting the targets.
Poland, France and Germany together make up 40% of the EU´s population; the three countries are in the top 5 of the EU's biggest CO2 emitters and have a prominent role in climate policy.
The legislative package of the European Commission expected on 14 July can be a turning point in European climate and energy policy and an important intermediate step on the way to climate neutrality in the EU.
In order to ensure that this important contribution to achieving the goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent won´t be miss due to different interests and approaches of the three countries in implementing the new EU climate goal, the 18 NGOs of the three countries have now joined forces for the first time.
The 18 NGOs are specifically calling for:
- an ambitious climate package proposal from the Commission that allows to achieve a target above the agreed "at least 55 %" by 2030 and makes social justice a priority. The European Commission should make full use of its right of legislative initiative.
- ambitious new climate targets for member states in sectors outside ETS. Especially, the newer member states should now accelerate their efforts, but in return they should also experience more financial solidarity from their EU partners.
- that the implementation of the new EU climate target must start now, because every month counts.
Alofa Tuvalu (France) | Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz (Germany) | Deutsche Umwelthilfe (Germany) | Deutscher Naturschutzring (Germany) | E3G (Germany) | EKO-UNIA (Poland) | Fundacja Instytut Zielonej Przyszłoci (Poland) | Germanwatch (Germany) | Institut for Sustainable Development (Poland) | Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich (Poland) | Klima-Allianz Deutschland (Germany) | Polish Green Network (Poland) | Polish Ecological Club Mazovian Branch (Poland) | Reseau Action Climate France (France) | WWF Deutschland (Germany) | WWF France (France) | WWF Poland (Poland) | Zielony Instytut (Poland)
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