Together towards a climate-neutral Europe: Polish-German climate and energy partnership.

New cooperation opportunities supporting the European Green Deal and the “Fit for 55” package.

Cover: Together towards a climate-neutral Europe: Polish-German climate and energy partnership.

Raising the ambition of EU’climate policy can only succeed by strengthening cooperation between the EU-member states.

Poland and Germany have always played an important role in shaping the EU’s climate and energy policies, but they have never sufficiently exploited the potential of their cooperation opportunities. This was partly due to very different political goals, but also to the lack of established bilateral exchange formats between policy makers.

An intensive climate policy coordination and cooperation between the two countries could significantly accelerate the energy transition in Europe, improve energy security, foster sustainability and create jobs.

In this paper, prepared for Germanwatch and DNR, the Polish-German researcher and energy transition expert Andrzej Ceglarz describes how the European Green Deal and the European Commission's “Fit for 55” package offer the two countries a wide range of opportunities to strengthen their climate and energy cooperation. Ceglarz presented concrete proposals for German-Polish climate policy cooperation.

Publication data

Andrzej Ceglarz