Content and Aim:
The main objective of the LIFE funded project "UNIFY: Bringing the EU together on Climate Action" is to facilitate the effective and early transition of EU Member States to low-carbon and resilient economies.
The consortium partners of the project are focusing on three key policy processes:
1. the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
2. the national and long-term climate strategies (Long Term Strategy - LTS)
3. the EU budget (Multiannual Financial Frame - MFF)
Through its targeted activities in ten Member States and at EU level, the UNIFY project demonstrates that these three key EU policy processes could help all EU Member States to improve climate change mitigation – provided they are coherent, ambitious and in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
This project takes place at a crucial moment in European climate policy: During the project period, different components of the European Green Deal will be presented and relevant legislative changes will be implemented.
*Focus countries and consortium partners of the project:
DOOR (Croatia), CDE (Czech Republic), D92 (Denmark), ELF (Estonia), RAC France (France), Germanwatch (Germany), Institute for Sustainable Development (Poland), ZERO (Portugal), FOCUS (Slovenia), SEO Birdlife (Spain)