Energy and Climate in the MENA Region

Youth Perspective to a Sustainable Future

Cover des Hintergrundpapiers: Energy 6 Climate in the MENA Region

In this paper young Arab authors from the MENA region (Middle East/North Africa) outline their vision for the future development of the energy sector in their countries.

The energy sector is the world’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, as technologies rapidly improve and prices drop, many renewable energy options have emerged. The MENA region possesses large natural potential for solar and wind energy. Moreover, the region has another important resource: its youth. In order to achieve a successful energy transition, all countries need agents of change, who bring along innovation and motivation – exactly what young people can achieve.

In cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Germanwatch worked to empower twelve young participants to engage in energy-policy issues. The authors come from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The policy paper is an occasion for them to present their views and provides decision-makers with first-hand information on what energy future young MENA citizens* want for their region.

The paper focuses on the topics

  • regional fossil fuel dependency,
  • energy and socioeconomic development,
  • renewable energies as mitigation tool to tackle climate change and
  • climate justice and energy in conflictual areas.

The authors have a common and crosscutting vision, which is to achieve a sustainable transition to renewable energies through youth empowerment and MENA cooperation.


Publication data

Abdallah Al Shamali, Bandaly El-Issa, esra Elmaddah, Ikram Hamdi Mansour, Intissar Rouabhia, Khaled Al Thobhani, Nisreen El Saim, Sabrina Fawaz, Sarah Al Harthey, Shahd Abu Serriya, Sonia Al-Zoghoul
Further contributors: Marine Pouget, Ronja Schiffer