Video Messages on the World Environment Day 2018

by Kartikeya V. Sarabhai, director of the CEE (Centre for Environment Education) in India and Christoph Bals, policy director of Germanwatch

Vorschaubild Video Kartikeya V. Sarabhai und Christoph Bals

Kartikeya V. Sarabhai and Christoph Bals - both are members of the international ECL-advisory board - send their messages on the World Environment Day, 5th June 2018, addressing the ECL participants currently being in Arusha/Tanzania for their second exchange. 

Christoph Bals rather focuses on the current situation and crucial decision processes in German climate politics. He underlines the importance of international exchanges and cooperation such as the ECL project, in being a very important possibility to counter nationalism and hence successfully tackle global challenges such as climate change.

Kartikeya V. Sarabhai highlights the international importance of the World Environment Day 2018 titled „Beat plastic pollution“, which is hosted by India. He calls on the participants to act as responsible global citizens who forcefully combat plastic pollution.

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