Civil Society Engagement with the Green Climate Fund

A Factsheet for Civil Society

Titel Civil Society Engagement with the Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) recognizes the importance of stakeholder input and participation in the design, development and implementation of its financed strategies and activities to reduce CO₂ emissions and support developing countries that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Despite some existing challenges, these stakeholders, including private sector actors, civil society organizations (CSOs), vulnerable groups, women and indigenous peoples, can engage in the GCF at various levels.

Prepared for use in particular by civil society, this factsheet provides clear information about which engagement opportunities exist at the national, regional and international levels for CSOs in the GCF. It enhances understanding on how to interact with the Fund’s Board, its Secretariat, and other relevant actors involved in the implementation of its financed activities. Furthermore, it describes which specific roles civil society can play in order to have a meaningful impact when they engage in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating activities, projects and programmes funded by the GCF. The publication ends by emphasizing a number of the Fund’s policies and guidelines, which are pertinent for civil society’s readiness.

The factsheet is published under the project “CSOs readiness to the GCF – focus Africa” jointly implemented by Germanwatch and CARE International with support from a consortium of African networks and civil society organizations. The project aims to support broader African civil society engagement in the critical early implementation phase of the GCF. Objectives include developing readiness materials which facilitate CSO understanding and engagement, supporting CSO engagement with the Fund in key African countries (with a focus on Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, and Senegal), and sharing experiences at regional and global scales for expanded CSO engagement in Africa and beyond.

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