How do farmers in North Rhine-Westphalia, France or Burkina Faso work? How does EU agricultural policy affect these people? These questions are answered by the photo exhibition ‘Mensch Macht Milch - EU agricultural policy and farming in North and South. Effects and perspectives’.
Hamburg photographer Fred Dott captured the faces and stories behind the milk with his camera and portrayed a total of seven farms in three European countries and Burkina Faso in West Africa.
‘Mensch Macht Milch’ is our contribution to the public debate on the upcoming European agricultural reform. With the exhibition, Germanwatch will raise awareness of the challenges and importance of a sustainable European agricultural policy among the general public and political decision-makers. A climate- and development-friendly agricultural policy that does not want to overcome rural agriculture, but rather secure it in the long term. In the North and in the South.
The photo exhibition is a joint project of Germanwatch, Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft, Brot für die Welt, Bundesverband Deutscher Milchviehhalter, European Milk Board and MISEREOR.
The patron of the exhibition is TV chef and restaurateur Sarah Wiener.