Scorecards on best and worst policies for a Green New Deal

Prepared by Ecofys and Germanwatch, comissioned by WWF and E3G, November 2009

Cover: Scorecards on best and worst policies for a Green New Deal

This study, published just before the meeting of G20 finance ministers in Scotland, ist based on an analysis of 100 measures of G20 climate policies. It presents a selection of the best political measures for a necessary Green New Deal in order to demonstrate the opportunities of a successful combination of measures to promote climate protection and economic recovery. In contrast to these, it points out the worst examples and thereby shows the urgend necessity for action which still prevails despite some countries' positive efforts. For example, Germany's renewable energy law (EEG) is rated as a model - on the other hand, climate-damaging tax benefits as well as subsidies in the fields of energy production (coal and nuclear energy) and transport continue to exist in Germany. Altogether, the study demonstrates that there is no conflict between climate protection on the national level and economic success.