Briefing on the 15th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

Deckblatt: Briefing on the 15th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

This briefing paper summarises the key issues that are on the agenda of the 15th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board, which governs the Adaptation Fund set up under the Kyoto Protocol. It will take place from 15th to 16th September in Bonn.

Among the key issues are the consideration 12 project and programme proposals to be approved or rather endorsed by the AFB, the accreditation of further implementing entities, including two National Implementing Entities from South Africa and Belize, and the last review of the Operational Policies and Guidelines for Parties to access resources from the Fund. In addition it is expected that the Board consider the revised document related to the Evaluation Framework as well as to debate those related to the true cost of regional project within the set country cap.