Published by Germanwatch
April 2004, 71 pages
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Marita Wiggerthale
Dumping in the Agricultural Sector: An Introduction
Marita Wiggerthale
The Historic Development of Antidumping Provisions within the Framework of the GATT
Rudolf Buntzel-Cano
Food Dumping and the Human Right to Food
Martin Wopold-Bosien
Agricultural Dumping in the Chicken Sector: The Case of Western and Central Africa
Bénédicte Hermelin
Can’t Do without It! The EU Is Dumping Dairy Exports on a Grand Scale
Alexandra Burmann
Wheat Dumping by the European Union
Uli Kleinwechter
The Dumping of Agricultural Products: Quantification and Interpretation
Harald Grethe
Safeguard Instruments within the WTO - A Development Policy Analysis
Marita Wiggerthale
Agricultural Dumping in the Political Discussion
Uli Kleinwechter
(also available in German, see 04-1-06)