The Adaptation Fund Board: Fully Operational. Report of the 11th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

Report of the 11th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

By Alpha O. Kaloga and S. Harmeling


The 11th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB), which is the operating entity of the Adaptation Fund established under the Kyoto Protocol, took place from September 16th to 17th 2010 in Bonn. During this meeting, the Board set further milestones for adaptation funding under the UNFCCC. It approved the funding of the first two full project proposals - of Senegal using the direct access route and of Honduras submitted through UNDP - from vulnerable developing countries worth USD 14 million.

Furthermore, six endorsed project concepts are in the pipeline and could be considered for funding as soon as the respective countries submit their full project proposals. Three of them, which were submitted by Multilateral Implementing Entities (MIE) on behalf of Guatemala, Madagascar and Mongolia, have been endorsed during the last meeting, in addition to those from Pakistan, Nicaragua and Solomon Islands endorsed during the 10th meeting of the AFB held in June.

Noteworthy is further the accreditation of two additional National Implementing Entities (NIE), the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) and the Agencia Nacional de Investigacion e Innovacion (ANII) of Uruguay, which broadens direct access. A number of further NIE applications are in the pipeline. This shows that it is possible for developing countries to identify domestic institutions which fulfill the required fiduciary management standards and thus to go the direct access route, despite the difficulties and the time required.