Cover CFAS 6th SCF
This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing. Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please note that this is an independent summary by CFAS and not officially mandated by the SCF.
This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing. Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place during each day of discussions and substantive points of action or progress. Please note that this is an independent summary by CFAS and not officially mandated by the GCF Board or Secretariat.
Cover AC5
All Hands on Deck!
The Adaptation Committee (AC) is the UNFCCC´s key adaptation body aiming to increase the coherence and promote coordination on matters related to adaptation. This briefing paper briefly summarizes major discussion points for the upcoming 5th meeting of Adaptation Committee, that takes place from the 5 - 7th March, 2014 in Bonn.
Cover MENA CSO Mapping
Civil society actors are key agents of a transformation into a post-fossil society. They can influence policy-making and shape the awareness of the general public and specific constituencies, such as consumers, workers and farmers. With the aim to increase civil society involvement in the fields of renewable energy, low carbon development and climate protection in the MENA region, this study provides an overview of around 40 civil society and non-governmental organisations (CSOs/NGOs) from 12 MENA countries which would be interested to increase their political engagement.
Cover GB and HR
Putting Germany to the Test
Over the last few years NGOs have criticized numerous human rights violations in which German corporations were directly or indirectly involved. Blatant violations of human rights are occurring for instance in agriculture, in manufacturing and in the extractive industries. Germanwatch and MISEREOR have documented these cases in a report.
Cover Livestock and food security
Our analysis has shown that, to optimize the interrelationship between soil, climate and cattle and maximize the latter‘s contribution to global food security, the following steps need to be taken...
Cover MENA Position Paper
for the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Energy, 11th December 2013, Brussels
Civil society organizations dealing with the environment and renewable energy in the MENA region want to cooperate on the protection of the climate and get engaged in the political decision-making processes of promoting renewable energy in the MENA region. Therefore 23 NGOs, particularily from the MENA region, agreed on the attached position paper which will be submitted for the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Energy aiming to adopt the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) in Brussels in December 2013.
Cover Monitoring Climate Action
Developing a comprehensive approach to monitoring climate change action for funds
Monitoring, reporting and verification of climate finance provided and the funded activities has grown in importance during the last years. Therefore, a consortium of Germanwatch, Ecofys and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy has developed for the German Federal Environment Agency a proposal for a potential monitoring and reporting system for a bilateral climate funds.
Cover CCPI 2014
A comparison of the 58 top CO2 emitting nations
The Climate Change Performance Index is an instrument supposed to enhance transparency in international climate politics. On the basis of standardised criteria, the index evaluates and compares the climate protection performance of 58 countries that are, together, responsible for more than 90 percent of global energy-related CO2 emissions.
Cover EU Climate Leadership
The EU is no longer the world leader on climate policies. Other major countries have caught up or even outpaced the EU, a new study conducted by Germanwatch says. Even the U.S. and China now show at least as much headway in their climate change policies as the EU. This situation is highly problematic, as in the past EU climate action did encourage both OECD and Non-OECD countries around the world to take on more ambitious action.