Transparenz ermöglicht demokratische Kontrolle. Germanwatch fordert, dass Unternehmen Informationen offenlegen müssen, die eine Einschätzung erlauben, welche menschenrechtlichen, sozialen, politischen und ökologischen Risiken und Auswirkungen ihre Geschäftstätigkeit weltweit hat.

Aktuelles zum Thema


Over 20 leading NGOs working on corporate transparency have published a statement calling on EU policy-makers to define companies’ disclosure obligations on sustainability issues on the occasion of today’s high-level conference on the future of corporate reporting hosted by the European Commission in Brussels.

Putting German Business and Policy to the Test
This executive summary of the report by Germanwatch and MISEREOR is all about energy – a sector that is inextricably linked to globalisation and is associated time and time again with human rights violations. The study explores the question of whether and to what extent German business and the German Government have implemented the demands of the UN Guiding Principles to date.
Comments of German non-governmental organisations on the German government’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
As development and human rights organisations we participated intensively in the German government’s consultation process for developing the National Action Plan (NAP) for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: in the government’s steering committee, in the altogether twelve thematic hearings and in the three plenary conferences. In this context, we expected the government to move away from the failed model of purely voluntary self-commitment and legally require German companies to discharge their human rights responsibilities in their activities and business relationships abroad.
Putting Germany to the Test
Over the last few years NGOs have criticized numerous human rights violations in which German corporations were directly or indirectly involved. Blatant violations of human rights are occurring for instance in agriculture, in manufacturing and in the extractive industries. Germanwatch and MISEREOR have documented these cases in a report.

Real name

Referentin für Unternehmensverantwortung, Koordinatorin Initiative Lieferkettengesetz

Netzwerke Beschwerdemechanismen – Rechte für Betroffene

CorA: Das CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung besteht aus über 50 Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft, die sich für verbindliche Regeln für die Verantwortungsübernahme von Unternehmen einsetzen. Germanwatch koordiniert die AG Haftung des Netzwerkes.

ECCJ: Die European Coalition for Coporate Justice (ECCJ) repräsentiert über 250 Organisationen aus 15 europäischen Mitgliedsstaaten, die zu verbindlicher Unternehmensverantwortung arbeiten. Germanwatch vertritt das deutsche CorA-Netzwerk im Lenkungskreis von ECCJ.

OECD Watch: Das internationale Netzwerk OECD Watch testet die Wirksamkeit der OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen und bringt NGO-Positionen in das OECD Investment Committee ein.