In vielen Weltregionen werden bei ungebremstem Klimawandel Millionen von Menschen ihre Lebensgrundlage verlieren - ein Konfliktpotenzial ungeahnten Ausmaßes. Germanwatch sucht aktiv nach Lösungen zur friedlichen Bewältigung - und möglichst Vermeidung - dieser Probleme.

Aktuelles zum Thema

It is, without doubt, difficult to compare India and Germany as the cultural and socio-economic differences are striking. With this paper, Germanwatch and CANSA seek to introduce some of the backgrounds to the different climate policy approaches of India and Germany with a view to the ambitious and equitable implementation of the Paris Agreement.
Blog post by Vera Künzel and Alexander Reif, July 2016
The Nansen Initiative, which ended in 2015, developed a comprehensive "Protection Agenda” over the course of 3 years, which to date has been endorsed by over 100 countries. Although not producing new legal regulations, the initiative was pioneering in that it was the first intergovernmental process to work on protecting people displaced across borders by disasters and in the context of climate change. Its focus on exploring existing political instruments in order to close the protection gap has made for a solid foundation for further work. Now next steps are to be taken.
Report on the 27th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board
After the adoption of the Paris Agreement all eyes move towards implementing climate action. The Adaptation Fund provides an important function to assist developing countries in measures against climate impacts. Following a civil society perspective this briefing outlines selected talking points on agenda issues of the 27th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board scheduled for March 2016 in Bonn, Germany.
After the adoption of the Paris Agreement all eyes move towards implementing climate action. The Adaptation Fund provides an important function to assist developing countries in measures against climate impacts. Following a civil society perspective this briefing outlines selected talking points on agenda issues of the 27th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board scheduled for March 2016 in Bonn, Germany.
by Lisa Junghans & Michel Köhler
For many developing countries ensuring food security remains a key development challenge, often aggravated by climate change impacts.
February 16th 2016, 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
The international year of 2015 saw an unparalleled degree of international decisions and norm creation. The Paris Agreement was a remarkable achievement.
Press Release
Germanwatch: Index results underline need for an ambitious Paris outcome that protects the most vulnerable
Serbia, Afghanistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina were the countries most impacted by climatic events in 2014. This is the result of this year’s Global Climate Risk Index, launched today by Germanwatch at the climate summit in Paris. "Heavy rains, flooding and landslides have been the defining hazards of the new Global Climate Risk Index", said Sönke Kreft, author of the study and Team Leader for International Climate Policy at Germanwatch. "Patterns of extreme precipitation is what people and countries will likely face in a warming climate."
Press Release
For the first time, a company responsible for climate change faces legal charges in Europe
Today, the Peruvian farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya is filing a lawsuit against the German utility RWE at the Regional Court in Essen, Germany. The reason: The energy company’s immense emissions threaten his family, his property as well as a large part of his home city of Huaraz. Climate change has caused the glacial lake to quickly grow in size, making it a risk for the Andean city of 120,000.
A Position Paper by Brot für die Welt supported by ACT Alliance und Germanwatch
In August 2015 an unusually intense monsoon caused devastating floods and landslides leading to the death of many people across Asia. Particularly in Myanmar, the rain destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes and streets and flooded rice paddies. In its most recent report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that climate change will increase the duration and intensity of such and similar extreme weather events (IPCC 2014b). This will also lead to an increase in climate- related loss and damage (L&D), either as a result of extreme weather events or associated with slow-onset climate change, when glaciers melt, permafrost thaws and sea levels rise.
6th to 9th July 2015 in Songdo (South Korea)
The Daily Briefings - produced at key meetings and negotiations by the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) expert team - try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please note that these are independent summaries by CFAS and not officially mandated by the GCF Board or Secretariat.

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Referentin für Klima und Entwicklung – Indien